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AKA Choujin Densetsu Urotsukidouji or The Legend of the Overfiend.
A series of Dark Fantasy horror hentai anime/manga, created by Toshio Maeda, directed by Hideki Takayama and animated by Phoenix Entertainment. Trope Codifier of the Naughty Tentacles genre. An unfortunately popular candidate for being unwittingly placed in or around the kids section of DVD stores and libraries.
There are six installments of the Anime version, all of them OVA:[]
- Choujin Densetsu Urotsukidouji (Legend of the Overfiend, 1987-1989). Total uncut length: 2:26:06.
- Shin Choujin Densetsu Urotsukidouji: Mataiden (Legend of the Demon Womb, 1990-1991). Total uncut length: 1:37:33.
- Choujin Densetsu Urotsukidouji: Mirai Hen (Return of the Overfiend, 1992-1993).
- Choujin Densetsu Urotsukidouji: Hourou Hen (Inferno Road, 1993-1995).
- Choujin Densetsu Urotsukidouji: Kanketsu Hen (Urotsukidouji V: The Final Chapter, 1996). Was never completed, despite being released.
- The Urotsuki, aka Urotsukidouji: New Saga (2002): A modern retelling of the first half of Legend of the Overfiend.
This Anime provides examples of:[]
- Abusive Parents: Niki's. Though it was only his father that was abusive in the manga, unlike the anime where both of his parents are abusive.
- Adaptation Dye Job: Amano had black hair in the manga, while in the anime, his hair is blue.
- Megumi also had black hair in the manga, before her hair was changed to green in the anime.
- Mimi's hair was also black in the manga, but was changed to blonde in the anime.
- Adaptational Heroism: Amano Jaku's manga counterpart is a sociopathic and hedonistic asshole who only cares about himself and is even proud of it and he practically never does anything heroic at all, unless it benefits him. His anime counterpart, however, is much more heroic and less sociopathic. Though he still has his jerkass moments (In the sequels to be specific).
- In the manga, Amano's sister Megumi is a manipulative, sociopathic and spiteful bitch who likes to trick men into having sex with her so she can either falsely accuse them of raping her getting them into trouble in the process, or so she can transform into her true demon form and eat them. Her anime counterpart, on the other hand, while still slutty and perverted, is much more kind and friendly and doesn't do any of the evil deeds she does in the manga.
- Kuroko is a lot less obnoxious and more friendly in the anime than his manga counterpart, though he's still a pervert.
- Suikakujyu was a thuggish and aggresive demon in the manga who only wanted revenge on Amano for tearing his arm off. In the anime, however, Suikakujyu was rewritten as an anti-villain/well-intentioned extremist who wanted to protect the demon realm by any means necessary. He was also redesigned to the point where he was a completely new character altogether.
- Niki, while he isn't a hero in either the manga or anime, was altered into a more sympathetic and tragic character than his manga counterpart.
- Adaptational Villainy: Niki's mother, who was originally kind hearted and caring in the manga, was altered into being just as abusive as Niki's father in the Anime. She was even redesigned to be more different too.
- After the End: The series setting after the second episode.
- All Anime Is Naughty Tentacles: Due to frequently being placed in children's sections by mistake, there's a good chance this is the series that caused the trope.
- Alas, Poor Villain: Niki's death, but only in the anime. In the manga, it's harder to feel sorry for him.
- All-Loving Hero: Alector from Return of the Overfiend is shown to be a very kind and compassionate individual, and was even nice enough to forgive her own father, despite the fact he raped her.
- Himi (aka K-yo) is also just as pure-hearted.
- Akemi, to some extent, in the anime.
- Always Chaotic Evil: If there are any demons who aren't sadistic rapists, then we sure don't see them. Though the only demon character who isn't a bastard is Suikakujyu, and even then, that's only in the anime.
- Ambiguously Human: Even though Munchausen is meant to be human, he appears to have fingernails sharp enough to literally cut off someone's head, as well as pointy ears and fangs, implying that he's either half-demon, or possibly a vampire.
- Ambiguous Robots: The elderly man-beast at the beginning of Legend of the Demon Womb who is brutally injured by Kohoki and warns Amano about Munchausen speaks in a very mechanical sounding voice and when he dies, his eyes crack like glass, implying he is half mechanical, but it's never made clear if he is or not, leaving it up to the viewer to decide.
- Anti-Hero: Amano Jyaku. He's a Villain Protagonist in the manga, a type III in the first two anime installments, and a type IV in the later installments.
- Nagumo, who is a type I
- And Buju, who is a type V. Though like Amano's manga counterpart, Buju also borders on being a Protagonist Villain.
- Anti-Villain: Suikakajyu. But not so much in the manga and New Saga.
- The Chojin.
- Ascended Extra: Ozaki, who goes from a minor character killed off in the beginning of the story, to becoming a protagonist in New Saga and even given a character arc.
- Asshole Victim: In the manga, it's very satisfying to see Niki get dismembered by Nagumo's blood (which comes to life and wraps itself all over Niki), considering how much of a despicable individual he was.
- Not to mention Niki's equally despicable father, when Nagumo rips off his head. In the anime, his death is even more brutal when he is slaughtered off screen by Niki and then put into a cooking put.
- And Niki's mother in the anime when she is stuffed into a fridge [which also happens offscreen, however we later see her body in the fridge in graphic detail].
- The gang of lesbian delinquents also had it coming when they are slaughtered by demons after they humiliated Niki for no reason.
- Depraved Bisexual, Yufura, also gets what's coming to her after she is betrayed by Ellis's cult.
- Bad People Abuse Animals: As a teen, Maunchausen would slaughter animals for satanic rituals.
- Black and Black Morality: Caesar and the Makemonos in Return. The other factions are not much better.
- Black Comedy: Very common in the manga version.
- Body Horror
- Caught with Your Pants Down: Nagumo is caught by the school jock Ozaki masturbating in the ball pit, he then holds him up by the back of his shirt and shows the entire student body his erection.
- Celebrity Voice Actor: Maunchausen is voiced by, of all people, Demon Kakka.
- Character Derailment: Amano unfortunately suffers this in the third and fourth sequels. In the first two installments, he's a rather laid back, but friendly guy who's easy to root for. However, starting from Return Of The Overfiend, he becomes a selfish, callous and obnoxious jerkass who is rude to everyone. Thankfully, in the fifth installment, he's back to his friendly ways.
- Coitus Uninterruptus: In Legend of the Demon Womb, Amano Jyaku holds a long conversation while having sex with Mimi. In a lava pool.
- Crapsack World: It was a pretty harsh world to live in even before the Endofthe World As We Know It. The rampaging demons and bloodthirsty cults that came after didn't help things.
- Cut Short: Urotsukidouji: New Saga was a retelling of the original Legend of the Overfiend but the project was cut short three episodes in, leaving a ton of unresolved plot points and inconsistent characterization. Even Amano Jyaku was practically a nonentity.
- Creator Cameo: Toshio Maeda, the series creator, makes a cameo in Legend of the Overfiend as a fictionalized version of himself where he sneaks up behind Megumi while she's in the bushes spying on Nagumo and Akemi making out and pulls down her panties, only before she kicks him in the face for it.
- He also makes a brief cameo in the manga.
- Darker and Edgier: Every installment compared to the one before. Most notable between Demon Womb and Return.
- Deadly Upgrade: Anyone who tastes the Chojin's blood (or other bodily fluids) gets a portion of its power, until that power overwhelms and kills them after a few hours or days.
- Deal with the Devil: Niki. He resorts to killing his abusive parents, and replacing his penis with a demon phallus (with some nasty DIY surgery), all because the demons promise him the power to steal Akemi from Nagumo.
- Decoy Protagonist: Ozaki. Although he's introduced as the jock that the other protagonist, Amamo, has his eyes on, he bites it after his first fight. The nerdy kid that was in the beginning? He's the actual protagonist. Well, aside from Amano.
- Deus Angst Machina: Niki, again. He's a friendless loser, rejected by his love interest, women call him a dickless wonder, his father beats him while his mother cheers his father on.
- Depraved Bisexual: Yufura gets a kick out of sexually abusing Yumi.
- Diesel Punk: The future of the world shown in Return of the Overfiend is very much this.
- Downer Ending: At the end of Legend of the Overfiend, the Choujin pretty much destroys the three realms.
- Early Installment Character Design Weirdness: The manga has quite a few of these:
- Amano Jaku's appearance in the manga looks rather different to how he looks in the anime. For starters he has black hair instead of blue hair, he doesn't have his trademark cat-whisker cheek scars, and the way he dresses is also very different, where he wears smart casual clothing, unlike in the anime where he dresses in punk fashion. In addition to all that, his personality in the manga is also much more villainous to the point of him being an outright villain protagonist, where he has no qualms against murdering babies.
- Likewise, his sister, Megumi, also has a few differences. She mostly looks the same and shares the same hairstyle as her anime counterpart, except her hair is black in the manga, and her choice of clothing in the manga is a bit different where she dresses in more tomboyish clothing, and she's still slutty and promiscuous. However, like Amano, she is noticeably more evil and sociopathic in the manga, where she seduces men into having sex with her, so she can either slander them to the authorities that they raped her, or to lure them in so she can transform into her true monster form (which she doesn't have in the anime) and eat them. She's also shown to have a petty hatred towards Akemi out of jealousy in the manga because she wants Nagumo.
- Kuroko is always completely nude in the manga and he never wears his notable red wastecoat and spats. He's also more of a mischievous jerkass in the manga, where he keeps harassing Akemi and Nagumo and likes winding them up, and he's shown to be a bit more rebellious towards Amano, where at one point he bites Amano on the ass while having sex with Mimi.
- Earth Is Young: the world is only three thousand years old. Uses the Type A (lack of) justification. The world is simply stated to be young, and this is never discussed. The intro of the movie version also have an indirect hint of Type B: Mankind is scolded for being so ignorant and foolish that they don't even know about parallel universes, so one can expect that people are supposed to simply shut up about their silly little theories about the origins of the universe.
- The End of the World as We Know It: Happens at the end of Legend of the Overfiend, and the Overfiend keeps threatening to bring about an even more thorough end to the After the End setting of the sequels.
- Even Evil Has Standards: In Inferno Road, Amano is about to toss a baby in front of an upcoming train, and Suikakujyu is so horrified that he jumps out and attempts to save the baby. Thankfully, it's revealed to be a nightmare that Yoenki, Suikakujyu's sister, was having.
- Evil Laugh: Münchhausen does this a lot to the point of Narm.
- Face-Heel Turn: Nagumo, after his demonic side takes him over.
- Niki, after replacing his penis with a demon one. Though in the manga, he was already evil to begin with.
- Fantastic Racism: Caesar displays this toward the Makemono, herding them into concentration camps and generally regarding them as depraved beasts (not without justification, in many a case). The irony is that Caesar is equally as depraved.
- Fan Disservice: To- you know-- normal people.
- Fat Bastard: Caesar.
- Faux Affably Evil: Munchhausen II.
- The Chojin falls into this in the sequels.
- Getting Crap Past the Radar: This series (and pretty much the entire naughty tentacles hentai genre) was conceived predominantly to get around the strict ban in Japan on depictions of genitalia. Those are totally tentacles and not penises...
- God Is Evil: Once the fully awakened Nagumo begins destroying cities and shattering the dimensional barriers, Amano and his people realize that maybe their prophecies of the Chojin delivering Paradise were mistaken.
- Good Is Not Nice: Amano Jyaku is shown to be a cocky and selfish prick in the later sequels [Urotsukidoji III and IV for example], although some of his good qualities still remain. However, he is much more sociopathic in the manga to the point where he's barely much of a good guy.
- Gorn: Apparently, a woman being raped so hard she explodes in a shower of blood and intestines is erotic to some people.
- Grey and Gray Morality: Few of the characters are purely black or white. Even Amano Jyaku's archenemy Suikakajyu was trying to protect the three worlds all along. Later on the characters have to side with either the Chojin, a Knight Templar deity at best, or his allegedly evil counterpart, reborn as a young girl. It's not clear to them or the audience which one humanity would be worse off with. Though the story does start including more Black and Gray Morality elements in the sequels, with characters like Munchhausen and most of the demons being completely irredeemable.
- The Grunting Orgasm: Every time the Chojin
scoresrapes a girl. - Hate Sink: A good chunk of characters fall under this:
- Niki in the manga has none of the sympathetic qualities that he has in the anime, and is shown to be little more than a despicable bully and a rapist.
- Niki's abusive, alcoholic dad. He verbally abuses and beats Niki for the slightest of offenses, and is more or less responsible for why Niki turned out the way he did.
- Niki's mother averts this trope in the manga by being a genuinely kind-hearted mother who is just as much a victim to Niki's dad as Niki is. Unfortunately, she plays this trope straight in the anime by being just as sadistic and abusive to Niki as his father.
- The female lesbian delinquents who bully Niki and humiliate him also count.
- Despite having some Evil Is Cool qualities, Munchhausen has virtually no sympathetic qualities to speak of, and every thing he does is meant to highlight what an evil psychopath he is.
- The Makemonos in Return of the Overfiend that rape Alector and later Pedro.
- Most of the demons fall under this trope. However, Dokakuryu from New Saga really takes the cake. He enjoys raping and murdering young human woman for his own sadistic desires, and there's absolutely nothing about him to like.
- Heroic Sacrifice:
- Suikakujyu's concubines Fukakuki and Enkakuki sacrifice themselves to restore their master to full power through a sexual ritual that ends with them exploding into gory messes due to the semen pumped into them. On the bright(?) side, they seemed to enjoy the whole process, reaching climax as they died, Remember, despite the fact Suikakujyu was an antagonist (or a Hero Antagonist, depend on one's view), his goal of stopping the Chojin was undeniably correct, and even his methods might be acceptable to utilitarians, given that he's trying to stop the destruction of the three realms. Effectively, the concubines sacrificed themselves in an attempt to save the world.
- When Munchhausen is about to kill Himi with his sharp fingernails, Idaten manages to protect Himi by sacrificing himself to be killed by Munchhausen instead. This also leads to a well-deserved Karmic Death for Munchausen at the hands of Himi/Kyo-o.
- Hooker with a Heart of Gold: Megumi Amano. Not literally a hooker, but otherwise follows the trope to the T. Averted in the manga where she's a manipulative sociopath.
- Hotblooded Sideburns: Amano in New Saga
- Hopeless Suitor: Niki in Legend of the Overfiend, whose unrequited love for Akemi drives him to chop off his own dick and turn into a rampaging monster.
- Human Sacrifice: Happens several times throughout the series, generally with the objective of summoning or empowering a demon. The victims are always female, and sacrificed though intercourse.
- In the Blood: In the most literal sense. A transfusion of Nagumo's blood (or sperm) will transform the recipient into a monster.
- Invincible Hero: Amano Jyaku, quite literally too, since, even when he is dismembered or injured, he can regenerate himself, even reattaching dismembered limbs to himself. Though the only character he stands no chance against is the Chojin.
- Jerkass: Amano, Megumi, and Kuroko in the manga.
- Niki in both the manga and the anime. Though his anime counterpart is somewhat more sympathetic, but not by much.
- Buju. Though that's just putting it mildly, considering some of the horrible things he's done.
- Niki in both the manga and the anime. Though his anime counterpart is somewhat more sympathetic, but not by much.
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Amano in the anime. In the sequels he may come off as an obnoxious jerk, but deep down he does his best to do what's right for the greater good.
- Jerk with a Heart of Jerk: In the manga, however, Amano doesn't seem to have a heart. He saves a baby from being run over by a truck, only before he tosses it in the river and calls it a waste of time. And later on, he gets his grandpa to use to his powers to send him into the future. And because of how weak his grandpa is, he dies in the process. Several other man-beasts call out Amano for being such a heartless bastard, and Amano responds with saying "I couldn't proudly call myself Amano Jaku if i wasn't a heartless bastard" while having a smug smirk on his face. The only time he actually does have a sympathetic moment is when he is upset after Nagumo (in his demon form) kills Kuroko.
- Kaiju: The giant demon-thing Nagumo turns into to destroy the world, the giant sea demon the Makai prince summons to try to fight him, and several other giant monsters conjured up by different factions against one another.
- The Legions of Hell.
- Karma Houdini: {{spoiler:The chojin never gets his demise, Neither does Genyo or Suikakujyu in New Saga. Amano and Megumi also get off scot-free in the manga despite their wrong-doings. Caesar, despite having his body destroyed by Buju, still survives due to being a cyborg}}
- Kick the Dog: Niki's parents beat and humiliate him shortly before they die. Münchhausen's teacher and principal beat and humiliate him right before they die. Ozaki publicly humiliates Nagumo right before he dies. Let's just say dogs are very well-protected in the Urotsukidouji universe.
- Loser Protagonist: Nagumo, at first.
- Love Triangle: Akemi, Nagumo and Niki.
- Murder the Hypotenuse: Niki tries to literally do this to Nagumo. Doesn't work; since Nagumo's the father of the Chojin and he just comes back to life.
- Naughty Tentacles. They've been around since about 1820 (see Dreams of the Fisherman's Wife at The Other Wiki), but, without a doubt, the modern Trope Codifier.
- Negative Continuity: By the end of Legend of the Overfiend, the three realms have, as said prior, been all but destroyed by Nagumo. But in the next instalment, Demon Womb, everything's fine again, without explanation. Could be explained as an Interquel, as the third episode then proceeds from the world's destruction.
- Norio Wakamoto: As Suikakujyu and Kohouki.
- Nuke'Em: Münchhausen plans to destroy the Chojin by launching a whole fleet of ICBM's against Osaka. Amano stops them, not so much to save the Chojin as because a lot of innocent people have taken refuge there as well.
- Ordinary High School Student: Nagumo; the lovesick nerd picked upon by the basketball jocks is actually a monstrous being destined to father the god of gods and destroy the world so said god of gods can remake it.
- Out with a Bang: Tons of times. Literally with a bang. Those poor women...
- Parental Incest: Caesar and his daughter Alector from Return of the Overfiend. Alector had little say in the matter... Though it's worth questioning if it actually fits this trope or not, since the Alector that Caesar raped was apparently an android modeled after the real Alector [who was killed by the Chojin long before the events of Return of the Overfiend].
- Plot With Porn
- Porn Names: The dub voice actors were so disgusted with the frequent sex and rape they used fake names that sounded like the names porn stars would use.
- Prophetic Fallacy: A prophecy claims that the Chojin will bring about a glorious new world once the apocalyptic smoke clears. The heroes begin to seriously doubt that as the series goes on, and it ended without ever revealing how much, if any, truth there was to the prophecy.
- Protagonist Title: Urotsukidoji is Japanese for Wandering Kid. The "Wandering Kid" in question is Amanojaku.
- Red Herring: Popular school jock Ozaki is presented as the obvious incarnation of the Chojin, though Genre Savvy viewers will probably see through it the moment they find out there's a shy, lovesick nerd in the running too. A more effective red herring is that Nagumo isn't the Chojin either, he's the Chojin's father.
- Shoot the Shaggy Dog: Legend of the Overfiend. Think about it. Amano and the Makai spend the whole time trying to find the Chojin and sparring with each other; but in the end Nagumo just turns into the destructor when he has sex and destroys the world. Nothing that either Amano or the Makai did really had any effect on anything; the world would still be destroyed if they had done nothing. (Assuming that, despite the events of the saga not occurring, Nagumo did eventually have sex at some point in his life...)
- Refuge in Audacity: There's something utterly ridiculous about being raped by a demon and exploding.
- Shrouded in Myth: Amano's expecting the Chojin's human incarnation to be a powerful, charismatic figure, since his culture basically worships the Chojin. Ironically, his sister Megumi had the answer right all along (at least, she kinda did).
- Sissy Villain: Munchausen to an extent, since he likes to wear black lipstick and speaks in an androgynous/feminine voice.
- Stupid Jetpack Hitler: He commissioned a demon-summoning rape machine this time around.
- Super-Powered Evil Side: Nagumo. And Saburo (A manga-only character). And Niki. And Takeaki. And Ozaki (in New Saga).
- Those Wacky Nazis
- The Tokyo Fireball: Happens all the time.
- Token Evil Teammate: Amano in the manga.
- Buju is also a very good example of this.
- Took a Level In Jerkass: Amano surprisingly becomes more of an asshole in the sequels (Return of the Overfiend and Inferno Road, to be specific). But then again, he's still more sympathetic in comparison to his sociopathic manga counterpart.
- Tragic Villain: Niki in the anime.
- Ellis from Inferno Road is also is this, where it's revealed that he became evil due to the Chojin mind controlling him into becoming bad.
- Utopia Justifies the Means: The Chojin's justification for destroying the three worlds.
- Unbuilt Trope: For Naughty Tentacles. Yes, really. In the original movie, being raped by tentacles was generally not particularly erotic, as it almost always led to the tentacles tearing the person apart from the inside. They were used primarily for horror effect, not titillation.
- Unsympathetic Comedy Protagonist: Amano in the manga. And yes, the manga version of Urotsukidoji is meant to be a comedy.
- Well-Intentioned Extremist: Suikakajyu. He resorts to extreme lengths to prevent the Chojin being born (even causing the Great Kanto Earthquake of 1923). By the end of the movie, we find out his actions were justified.
- The Chojin arguably fits this trope, since he wants to make the world peaceful again by exterminating the humans, demons and man-beasts because in his eyes, they have become evil and corrupt and are causing the world harm.
- What Do You Mean It's Not Symbolic?: Many reviewers have tried explaining this one in terms of Freudian symbolism, Japanese sociological issues, and the legacy of the Hiroshima/Nagasaki bombings. Sooner or later, they all give up.
- Would Hurt a Child: Amano in the manga, where he tosses a baby into the river after saving it. And in Yoenki's dream sequence in episode 3 of Inferno Road, Amano tosses a baby towards an upcoming train in the subway, until Suikakujyu attempts to save the baby.
- Buju in Return of the Overfiend, where he stabs both an infant and it's mother.