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When it was first announced that this wiki had lost the rights to the 'All the Tropes' name because of a 'divorce' between it and the Miraheze branch, I thought it was so unnecessary and that people could have worked things out. But the more I thought about it, the more I felt the name change is a good thing, for several reasons.

The first reason: it allows this Wiki and the Miraheze All The Tropes to have their own identities.[]

Let's face it: Having two troping wikis on different servers with the same name was confusing. One could say, for example, "on ATT I made an edit to the Bolivian Army Cliffhanger page to describe the use of the trope in the Season 9 finale of Chicago Fire", but then someone would have to say 'Which ATT? The FANDOM branch or the Miraheze branch?'.

The two branches have different editors, and someone might make an edit on one branch that might not be mirrored in the other, leading to all sorts of confusion. Also, the way pages are set up might be different. When I visited the Miraheze version of the Adapted Out page, I found that the way it was set up and organized was very different from its counterpart on this wiki.

With this Wiki having a different name from the Miraheze wiki, both are allowed to go their own troping paths and have their own identities while still being allowed to use many of the same material because of being under the same Creative Commons license (The CC-BY-SA, according to the note at the bottom of the screen I see when I'm typing this). So on that level, the name change works and can be beneficial to both wikis.

The second reason: The previous troping wiki names were not entirely accurate or fitting.[]

All The Tropes started as a fork of TV Tropes. Its name was chosen because ATT could use the tropes that TV Tropes could no longer use due to the objections of its advertisers, which is an issue ATT did not have to deal with. However, the name 'All The Tropes' could never be entirely accurate. New tropes or new variations of existing tropes are being discovered and named all the time, so it'd be inaccurate to claim that a troping wiki actually has all the tropes. Because sooner or later it won't.

TV Tropes, meanwhile, suffers from its Artifact Title. As pointed out by many (including TVT editors as far back as 2008), TV Tropes doesn't just cover tropes that appear in TV shows, but tropes that appear in all mediums, be they new media (such as Web Original or Webcomic) or material that predates television (such as radio, movies, theatre, and works that are Older Than Feudalism). Their title hasn't been accurate in well over a decade, but they keep it for recognition purposes. It's a name with an established history, much like IMDB (which stands for Internet Movie Database but since its creation has expanded to encompass more than just movies).

So of course when the time came to decide on a new name for this wiki, many of us (myself included) deliberately chose names that were less limiting and along 'expansion' lines (as @RRabbit42 put it). Tropedia and variations on it were among the many people came up with.

So I think it's for the best that this wiki has a new name that's less limiting than either of the previous names. It allows us to continue discussing tropes in our favorite works of fiction without worrying about whether or not the title of the place we discuss those tropes accurately reflects the content. And I think Tropedia succeeds as a title that is an accurate description of the wiki.


All in all, I think the wiki's name change is for the best, for the reasons stated above. It's a good idea regardless of the other considerations that necessitated it.

Anyway, that's my personal opinion on the matter.