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FANDOM policy has been clarified to me in the meantime, and their ruling is as follows.

If an actor has gone under a new name and gender identity and has insisted publicly on being referred to as such, this wiki shall reflect as much on all pages. We may leave redirects for their creator pages if only to establish continuity of their former name under which they acted, performed, or otherwise were part of the creation of a work, but we will comply in all respects with FANDOM policy on this matter. Failure to do so will result in a unilateral punishment of a block for those who refuse to abide by this. Those who make honest mistakes in this regard will be given a chance to correct their error, but those who insist on defying this policy will be indefinitely banned from editing this wiki.

If pages are moved for creators to reflect their current name and gender identification, for the sake of making page categorization neater, please move over ALL pages to the new name (main page and all subpages), then correct name and pronoun usage as needed. Do this even for creators who are comfortable with their former name and gender identity being referenced as well to be on the safe side.

On this matter, FANDOM handed down clear instructions on this for us to follow, and as someone who intends to respect that, I will insist all who wish to edit here do likewise.