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Hyoroemon Hyoroemon 6 June 2021

Backup 2

Penthouse is a booming K-Drama revolving around the residence of a big apartment in Korea and their residences. It garner high rating due to constant twist and sympathetic nature nature of its casts. Contain high amount of gambits between idealistic protagonist against ruthless and persistent villain who seems to able to wiggle his way out every time. Contain spoiler up to season 1 because it is difficult talk about progress otherwise

Mama Bear Ma Ri when her daughter get threatened to the point of facing against anyone who harm her times and times again. Also Yon He. Not-So-Harmless Villain Ma Ri is a trusted person of a group dubbed '3 Queens', which consist of 3 woman with high position in government.

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Hyoroemon Hyoroemon 11 March 2021

Trope list

Because this shitty administration keep deleting me I decide to just put them here

Slenderman make appearance in second season of Shinbe's House

  • Recursive Adaptation Hayate the Combat Butler’s meeting with Athena is guilty with this. It is a manga chapter whos line inspired the ending song of season 2. The title of the song would later be used as chapter title
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Hyoroemon Hyoroemon 10 January 2020


  • 1 Yuyu
  • 2 Kiniro Mosaic
    • 2.1 Kiniro Mosaic contain following tropes
    • 2.2 Ho Yay
  • 3 Cohabition
    • 3.1 Anime Manga
  • 4 Blanc

Yuyushiki is a manga series about three girls in data processing club. Yuyushiki is made by Komata Mikami, serialized in Manga Time Kirara and adapted into anime.

Kiniro Mosaic is a manga series about Shino, an other countries loving Japanese girl and her homestay partner Alice. Kiniro Mosaic is adapted into 2 season anime and is serialized in Manga Time Kirara. The end of manga is approaching

  • Book Ends Volume 7 start with the cast talking about sister and end with Isami's flashback
  • Big sister Instinct Young Isami as revealed in Youko's flashback
  • Clingy Girl Aya cling to Youko when she was in middle school. Although she become more independent…

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