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The beautiful and lethal Valerie Irons: plucked from obscurity to head an elite Los Angeles bodyguard agency. They know how to get things done...eventually.

VIP, an action/comedy Pamela Anderson vehicle created by J.F. Lawton, aired in syndication for four seasons from 1998 to 2002. Anderson plays Valerie Irons, a... blonde... who lucks into a celebrity date to a movie premiere, blunders into saving his life and - after her date lies to save face by claiming she was his bodyguard - is snapped up by a local celebrity protection agency as a figurehead leader/mascot to draw in business. Hilarity Ensues.

Something of a Spiritual Successor to Baywatch considering the shared star, mix of action and Camp and prevalence of Fan Service throughout. Unfortunately this similarity stretches to the series's DVD treatment, with only the first season released by Sony Pictures Home Entertainment back in 2006. There remains no word on additional releases.

No relation to the Japanese Super Mario World ROM hack series.

This show contains examples of:[]

  • Accidental Hero: Val in the pilot.
  • Action Girl: Tasha and Nikki, a spy and munitions expert respectively.
  • Bare-Fisted Monk: As a martial arts practitioner and former boxer, unarmed fighting is Quick's specialty, though he's not above using a gun.
    • Also applies to Johnny, an active martial artist and fight choreographer.
  • Bare Your Midriff: Despite her tomboyish nature Nikki is very fond of this.
  • The Beautiful Elite: In full effect here.
  • Black Best Friend: Maxine, to Val.
  • Blonde, Brunette, Redhead: Val/Kay, Nikki, Natasha
  • Bound and Gagged: Val winds up kidnapped on a few occasions, usually resulting in this.
  • The Cameo: Justified in VIP's role as a celebrity protection agency. Prevalent in the first season but dropped altogether later on. Notable cameos included Stone Cold Steve Austin, Jay Leno, Coolio, Charles Barkley and Jerry Springer.
  • Fan Service: The focus is decidedly on Val, but the ball gets passed plenty amongst the main cast.
  • Fish Out of Water: The transition to bodyguard life isn't kind to Val. Rule of Funny keeps this far from tragic.
  • Five-Man Band
  • Girls with Guns: Nikki's hat is weaponry and explosives, but just about everyone uses a gun at some point.
  • Human Shield: Val gets this treatment from her date in the first episode when he's in danger.
  • Meganekko: Kay.
  • Mission Control: Kay serves as this from her computer at headquarters.
  • The One Guy: Between the original owner's departure in the pilot and Johnny's promotion to the main cast in season 3 Quick is the only male member of VIP and main character.
  • Oddly Small Organization: VIP is too small for the amount of clients they get, and too overqualified. They would need people to handle the ordinary work. Either a bigger in-house cast, or a partnership with lesser firms. (Neither is seen/mentioned)
  • Opening Narration: See page quote.
  • Pop Culture Pun Episode Title: Almost every episode, and the vast majority of those work Val's name into the pun.
    • From just the first season there's "Bloody Val-entine," "Diamonds Are a Val's Best Friend," "One Wedding and Val's Funeral," "Val Got Game," "Good Val Hunting," "Val on the Run," "Raging Val"... you get the idea.
  • Product Placement: All the main characters drove cars provided by the same major automotive company: In seasons 1-2 they were provided by Ford Motor Company, in 3-4 Daimler Chrysler.
  • Slow Motion: Employed in much the same way as Baywatch, showcasing the cast in pool scenes, gym workouts, exotic undercover disguises and the like.
  • Token Minority: Quick is the only African fellow (as well as the only fellow for a while). Johnny for Asians.
  • Unlimited Wardrobe: In an episode where an importer of Valerie showed up, the multi hundred thousand dollar budget of Valerie's clothes was quoted.