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  • Adaptation Displacement: The most well known version of Turok, that is the N64 game, was based on the Acclaim era reboot of the title.
    • Similarly, Shadow Man is better known for the Acclaim-created videogame duology than for the original comic character. To the extent that the actual Shadow Man article is devoted solely to the videogame and only mentions the concept's origin as a comic character as an almost throw-away bottom line.
  • Cult Classic: Go to San Diego Comic Con and ask around about Valiant comics.
  • Fandom Rivalry: Fans of Valiant HATE Image Comics with a passion, partly because of Death Mate, partly because they feel cheated that Image is still around and Valiant (which they view the the far superior company) isn't.
  • They Changed It, Now It Sucks: One thing Accliam has shown us, is that it's a BAD IDEA to pull a full on Continuity Reboot after only 7 years.
  • Too Good to Last: Sadly.