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- Crowning Music of Awesome: There's quite a lot, but How Wicked Ruler takes the cake, especially when heard in context.
- Game Breaker: The combination of the Blue Gale bow (guarantees every hit will be critical) and the Dismantle skill (critical hits break whatever body part they hit). It doesn't work on bosses, but for most encounters, it allows an archer to tear through the enemy, killing them in a few hits regardless of their defense and the archer's attack power.
- The game also includes a few deliberate Game Breaker weapons, provided you overleveled a few plot-important characters before the points where they leave the party. Of course, the levels they need would have broken the game anyway, so this is possibly just the game's way of compensating you by providing your remaining characters with another way to break the game.
- Moral Event Horizon: Lezard kills the valkyries.
- Ship Tease: Between Alicia and Rufus. The manga adaptation makes it more explicit. In the end, Rufus does not get the girl.