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Vattu 6232

Vattu is a webcomic by Evan Dahm, the creator of completed comics Rice Boy and Order of Tales. Vattu takes place in the world of Overside, just like Dahm's other works. The titular character is a member of a tribe of nomad hunters, whose lives are disrupted by outside forces.

Provides examples of:[]

  • Anthropomorphic Personification: The basis of the tribe's religion is the massive river they live by, known as Ata.
  • Badass: The war man. It appears he's training Vattu to follow in his footsteps. Compounded by the fact that he (and his entire race, of which he was a powerful leader) is completely mute.
  • Decompressed Comic: The first scene. Lampshaded by Evan in the accompanying news post: "Dialogue will happen very soon! And it won't all be as ridiculously decompressed as this first scene, rest assured!"
  • Catch Phrase: Otti has one:

 "You are an idiot."

  • Emotionless Girl: Otti, though male, comes off as eerily affectless.
  • The Exile: Seri.
  • Fantasy Counterpart Culture: The Sahtan Empire, which is Roman in nature.
  • Hot-Blooded: Vattu has a tendency to be... somewhat outspoken about her opinion. (This may or may not include her hunting prowess, Vanni becoming the new Priest, being taken from her tribe...)
  • Insistent Terminology: It's Lord Morrian, Vattu. Get it right!
  • Made a Slave: Vattu, the title character, is sold into slavery under the Sahtan Empire
  • Precision F-Strike: "Damn Ata."
  • Tertiary Sexual Characteristics: Intentionally averted. Comes into play in-universe when Otti instantly sees what the Sahtan Empire does not.
  • Tribal Face Paint: Indicative of the tribesman's name. A big deal in Fluter culture - when someone is dishonored and cast out, their name is forcibly washed off. And Vattu, seeing that Otti has no mark, says that he has no name - and she shouldn't even talk to him.