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  • Awesome Music: Just about every song in the first game. Second Game's Recycling plant (reused as credit music), and Final Boss music.
    • The whole soundtrack for both games really. Of special mention from the second game is Mist Chances.
  • Goddamned Bats: The ever-appearing Robotic Mosquitos in the first game, every single enemy in the second.
  • Nightmare Fuel: The Game Over screen in Vectorman 2. The music is a synthesized descending string scale with a low-pitched wobbly groan kind of sound added in. If you listen to it, you may think that the latter bit kinda sounds like a long drawn-out fart, and then it can become Nightmare Retardant.
    • But then, there's that big ol' robotic spider that reaches out and kills Vectorman, complete with death sound. And that Evil Laugh.