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  • Fridge Brilliance: On something like my forth viewing of Jonah: A Veggie Tales Movie, I finally realized that the French Peas were the only cast members who appeared in the flashback as characters distinct from their roles in the film's wrapper story (What is the name of that trope, by the way? It needs to be added to the series' main page). And then it clicked for me that perhaps they really weren't different characters after all: in the flashback they're selling fish, and in modern times... they run a seafood restaurant!
  • Fridge Horror: In the new "Sweetpea Beauty," the titular character, played by Petunia Rhubarb, is singing a cute little song about how not so nice or pretty things like bees and mud are useful and are in some way beautiful. Then she sings a line about peeling an onion. In a world populated by sentient vegetables. Does anyone else see a problem here?
    • See previous Word of God note about non-sentient food items.
    • Another thing, in the song Pizza Angel Larry spends the song desiring his Pizza, with TOMATO sauce, am I the only one who sees a problem with this?
    • Again, Word of God.
  • Fridge Logic: "...How are we clapping" "I have no idea."
    • That one comes up a lot. For example, before the intro song, Larry points out to Bob that he can't play the guitar because he has no hands. One wonders how he can change notes on the tuba...
      • This can be done by varying your embouchure, although this requires a tremendous amount of facial strength and control for a tuba.