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VP bandmini 1847

Members of Vernian Process, circa 2010


Stained glass memories of a broken dream
A time for progress, a time of steam
Chimneys billowing across the sky
A time of conquest, a time to die.

—"Vagues De Vapeur"

A self-described "steamwave" band originating from San Fransisco.

Emphasis on self-described.

They're a highly eclectic group. Vernian Process mix Punk Rock, New Wave, Industrial, Darkwave, Deathrock, Trip-Hop, Dream Pop, Cabaret, Goth Rock, Neo-Classical and many other genres. Their songs tend to be highly narrative, often story-like and intricately poetic. They are highly Steampunk, also.

Core members:

  • Joshua A. Pfeiffer (lyrics and vocals)
  • Martin Irigoyen (guitar, production, mastering)
  • Janus Zarate (bass)
  • Brian Figueroa (guitar, keyboard)
  • Eugene Dyer III (percussion)

Guest members include:

  • Erica "Unwoman" Mulkey
  • Heather Yager
Vernian Process provides examples of the following tropes:

"Allow me to introduce: Heather on keyboards, Peter on bass, Ash on guitar, Erica on cello, Martin our fucking psychotic guitar player, and I'm Josh...and we like Goth music if you can't tell!"
