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  • Nightmare Fuel: The enemy designs. They start out pretty creepy, and then night rolls around and they get even worse.
  • Scrappy Level: The Citadel of Shadow. Do you like plummeting to your death on a regular basis? We hope so!
  • That One Sidequest: Any of the Wraitheart missions where you have to climb up the inside of a tower. You will curse the name "Model Castle" for the rest of your life. And that's not even mentioning the "sequel", Sand Castle, which you have to go through half of Model Castle just to get to. And THEN you have to do some complicated acrobatics over a bottomless pit and make a very tricky jump just to get INTO the damn place, and once you're in, it just gets harder and harder. And if you fail, at any time (which is very easy)? You have to go ALL THE WAY BACK TO TIMBERDALE (yes, Sand Castle is in Dragonreach, but the entrance to it is in Model Castle, which is in Timberdale - Guide Dang It), back through Model Castle and into the entrance again. And the worst part? This is the SECOND WORLD IN THE WHOLE GAME. And the later worlds are MUCH harder.