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Video Brinquedo (translates as "Toy Video" or "Video Toy") is a 3D animation studio from Brazil that can probably best be described as the CGI movie equivalent of The Asylum. They are known in the United States as Toyland Video, and in the United Kingdom as Brightspark Productions.
See Spark Plug Entertainment for their American counterpart, and Dingo Pictures for their Limited Animation counterpart.
They distribute Sonic X, Kirby: Right Back at Ya!, The Super Mario Bros Super Show and Little Lulu in Brazil.
Notable Movies:[]
- The Frog Prince
- Gladiformers
- Little & Big Monsters
- Little Bee
- The Little Cars
- The Little Panda Fighter
- Little Princess School
- Ratatoing
- Tiny Robots
- What's Up?: Balloon To The Rescue
Tropes in these movies include:[]
- Artistic License Physics: In The Little Cars, a race car is stopped by a piece of gum stuck to the track. Furthermore, Wrangler (the car that spat the gum onto the track in the first place) is apparently able to spit gum several hundred feet, given he was behind Cruise at the time and they were both going full speed down the track.
- Butt Monkey: Iria in Little Princess School. The other princesses are pretty mean to her when she gets turned into a toad. Hime even outs herself as a fantastic racist.
- Captain Ersatz: Of Pixar, DreamWorks and Disney characters. Also Hasbro with Transformers. Though not Sonic. Sonic is the real Sonic.
- Catch Phrase: "Precisely!"
- Darker and Edgier: The Gladiformers films feature an edgier artstyle, harsher music and unpleasant story elements compared to their usual library.
- Direct to Video
- Disproportionate Retribution: In Ratatoing (see that film's page for more details).
- "Everybody Laughs" Ending: Often.
- Everyone Calls Him "Barkeep": In The Little Cars, the five-time Great Race champion is called only "Champion" throughout the whole movie. Lampshaded by the antagonist, who insists "That's not his name!".
- Five Princess Band:
- The Hero — Cindy
- The Smart Guy — Bianca
- The Big Guy — Hime
- The Chick — Iria
- The Lancer — Zade
- Follow the Leader
- Getting Crap Past the Radar: Sometimes creating straight-up innuendo:
Female rat: "Hey, my handsome friend, are you ready for more food adventures tonight?" |
- Idiot Ball: In an episode of Little Princess School, the princesses found the spinning wheel from Sleeping Beauty. One by one, their reaction to it is "Hey, what's this?" and poking themselves on the spindle, even after seeing the others fall asleep. One of the adults even pokes herself on the spindle just because. The only one who isn't carrying the Idiot Ball is, for some reason, Cindy.
- Inconsistent Dub: The characters in the English dub of the first Little Cars video were given localized names. After that, they simply stuck with the original Brazilian names.
- Informed Ability: Hime in Little Princess School is supposed to be a really good sword-fighter, but we never see her fight.
- The Mockbuster: The company specializes in these.
- The Musical: They've turned The Little Cars into a live musical show.
- No Flow in CGI
- Palette Swap: Many examples in The Little Cars.
- Punny Name: Many.
- Real Song Theme Tune: "Window to Nowhere" by Angra is used as the theme for Gladiformers.
- Slasher Smile: Their 2D animation is prone to making characters look malevolent when they should just look annoyed.
- Shout-Out/To Shakespeare: "My kingdom for a snack!" in one episode of Little Princess School.
- Video Brinquedo Physics: Unintentional.
- Youtube Poop: Not a major source, but Video Brinquedo movies have been making some Youtube Poop appearances in recent times. Walrus Guy, a major figure in Youtube Poop lore, seemed to enjoy using Ratatoing material and was eventually convinced by his fans to poop Little Cars and Little Bee.