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Viper V16 is an eroge released in 1998 for the PC-98 and in 2001 for Windows by the now defunct Sogna. It consists of two separate titles: "Rise" and "Imagine".

The storyline of Rise is continued in a later Sogna game, Viper GTB: Rise After.

In Imagine, the main character is a student in a two-year vocational school. He goes to school and encounters three lovely girls, each in a different room. One girl yearns to become a voice actress, another is majoring in music, and the third is unsure of what future she seeks. Depending on the choices the player makes in this story, he can hook up with any or none (If the player attempts to hook up with all of them, they will resent him as a letch) of the three girls.

Tropes used in Viper V16 include:
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