"Salve, Puellae et Pueri!"
Vivere disce is the blog of Jean, intrepid geek and British college student who originally began the blog to aid in her Latin studies. After her friend Kim leaves mysteriously, Jean records her attempts to understand why her friend would disappear. After receiving some mysterious threats and looking through Kim's notes, Jean begins to notice a familiar, faceless pattern.
Jean's investigations lead her to discover Slender Man, kick a proxy in the balls, befriend other bloggers, and lose her family. Recently Jean seems to have taken it upon herself to help Kim, save her sister Elsie and find her friend Sam. As time goes on, the blog becomes more research based, as Jean attempts to find a way to defend herself from the Slender Man. It does not go as planned.
Has a (seemingly-unrelated) sequel.
This blog provides examples of:[]
- Alien Geometries: "Looped". Also, the graveyard.
- Altum Videtur: The entire purpose of the blog.
- Ancient Conspiracy
- Arc Words: "We gave him a name" seems to be shaping into this.
- Arc Symbol: The "T" shape.
- Awful Truth
- Big Screwed-Up Family: Her dad's apparently Crazy Awesome, her mum has OCD, her sister is in an asylum and her little brother is autistic. To say nothing of her extended family
- Bilingual Bonus: Kim's notes are written in Latin, French, German, Greek and several other languages.
- Bittersweet Ending: Jean is alive, and looking for Elsie, but she's entirely broken and bent on vengeance. The rest of her family are dead, and The Bad Guy Wins.
- Cluster F-Bomb: A couple of times.
- Corrupt Church
- Distressed Damsel: Is called this by Thage. It doesn't stick.
- Once Jean finds her Heroic Resolve, Thage begins referring to her as a Knight.
- Driven to Madness: Poor Kim.
- Drowning My Sorrows
- Empathy Doll Shot
- Gratuitous Foreign Language: Kim, much to Jean's displeasure,
[Kim only shows her polyglot superpowers when she's left school. And when it's COMPLETELY SUPERFLUOUS.] |
- Hell Is That Noise: Inverted. Inside the "loops" Jean couldn't hear anything.
- Heroic BSOD
- I Will Protect Her: Fizz to Jean, and then Jean to Kim.
- Keet: Some see her younger brother Benny as this.
- Les Yay: Oh so much.
- Lady Drunk: Jean shows signs of becoming this.
- Madness Mantra: We gave him a name.
- Malevolent Masked Man: Multiple ones.
- Mood Whiplash: From her happy times on They Call Us Keepers to her BSOD at the loss of her family.
- Nerds Are Sexy: Jean qualifies as a troper.
- Nothing Is Scarier: From the Fuck it, "The kid with all the brains."
- The Nicknamer
- One of Us
- Playing with Fire
- Plucky Girl: Enough said.
- Religion of Evil: If The Church of the Last doesn't turn out to be this...
- Sanity Slippage: Poor Kim.
- Scary Amoral Religion
- Shout-Out: He is there. Waiting. No movement. Just waiting.
- Shown Their Work: The History Of the World, Part One ties a lot of real mythology and history into the Mythos.
- There Are No Therapists: Averted in Elsie's case.
- The Snark Knight: Jean seems to be heading this way pretty quickly.
- Tome of Eldritch Lore: Jean seems to be collecting them.
- Town with a Dark Secret: The town she went to college in sure seemed like it.
- When Trees Attack: Elm do brood and oak do hate...
- Wholesome Crossdresser: Kevin, apparently.