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Significant Comic Book Appearances 1978-1983
The Vixen #1 (Nov-Dec 1978)
Justice League of America Annual #2 (1984)
The New Teen Titans #4 (1/85)
Justice League of America #233, 234, 235, 236, 237, 238,239, 241, 242, 243
JLA Classified (2006) #22, 23, 24, 25
JLA: Incarnations #5 (11/2001): First Story, Third Story
Infinity Inc. #19 (10/85)
Justice League of America # 244 (11/85)
Justice League of America Annual #3 (1985)
Crisis On Infinite Earths #8-12 (11/85-3/86)
Justice League of America #246, 247, 248, 249, 250, 251, 252, 253, 254, 255, 257
Detroit League in JLA/Avengers (2003)
Legends #1, 2
Justice League of America #258, #259, #260, #261
JLA: Incarnations #5 (Third Story, Nov. 2001)
Legends #3-6 (1-4/87)
Justice League #1 (May 1987)
Justice League Task Force #7 (12/93)
Justice League Task Force #8 (1/94)
Wonder Woman #174 (11/2001)
Wonder Woman #175 (12/2001)
Identity Crisis #1 (8/04)
Identity Crisis #2-5 (Sep-Dec. 2004)
JLA #119 (Late Nov. 2005)
Justice League of America Wedding Special #1 (November, 2007)
Justice League of America #13-15 (11/07- 1/08)
Vixen Return of the Lion