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Voat logo

Voat (rhymes with "goat") is a Reddit styled site.

In fact, it was created as something of "reboot" of the concept started by Reddit, and Voat was created due to belief that Reddit had become a censored unfun community, with some even laying the blame for the perceived decline in Reddit's accessibility and popularity at the feet of social justice warriors. Also, the creators of the site desire for the Good Old Days when the days of quality content and friendly atmosphere, what they found is lacking.

Based in Switzerland, Voat is a relatively new community, but it hopes to do everything Reddit does even better, and is a firm proponent of free speech to extent allowable under Swiss law.

Voat provides examples of the following tropes:
  • Censorship Bureau: A trope they are desperately hoping to avoid.
  • Mascot: The voat goat.
  • The Merch: Voat has a little store where users can buy things, like caps,hoodies, and stickers.
    • Averted. The store is currently closed until further notice.
  • Punny Name: Voat sounds like "vote".
    • It even sounds like "boat".
  • Same Face, Different Name: The site used to be named "WhoaVerse", but since that's tricky to say, they change the name to an easier one.
  • Screw This, I'm Outta Here: A good portion of Voat's users originally came from Reddit out of growing dissatisfaction and fear of censorship, though some still maintain accounts on both sites.
  • Start My Own: Basically this in response to dissatisfaction with Reddit.
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