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Volfied (ヴォルフィード Vorufīdo) (also known as Ultimate Qix on the Sega Mega Drive/Genesis or Qix Neo on Play Station) is an arcade game released by Taito in 1989. A port for MS-DOS has been developed by Empire Interactive and published by Taito in 1991.

The game is an updated version of Qix, with extra features and a futuristic science fiction aesthetic, rather than Qix's abstract geometry style. The player pilots a small spaceship named "monotros" instead of a simple dot and the enemies come in the form of various aliens.

Taking place in another galaxy, a space pilot is returning to his home world of Volfied, only to discover that it is under attack by an unknown alien force. The few remaining Volfied inhabitants are in an underground location of the planet and signal the pilot to their aide. The pilot flies to Volfied using his ship's defensive weapons in order to eliminate the alien threat and save his people.

Needs Wiki Magic Love.

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