- Yes, from Voltaire. "Goodnight Demon-Slayer" is about a parent easing his child's nighttime fears. Google the lyrics sometime, it's absolutely beautiful.
- As well as being one of the most badass lullabies you will ever hear.
- Easing the kid's fears? Crowning Moment of Understatement. He flat-out tells the kid that the most dangerous thing in that bedroom is the kid, so anything that knows what's good for it is going to keep well away, and everything else is going to eat it's own butt for dinner.
- Try Crowning Moment of Misinterpretation. The last line conveys an entirely different meaning to the song; the world's a lot worse than a kid might think it is. Instead of being told that there are no (problems/monsters) in their (room/world), they're told to fight them. It's about standing up for yourself.
- It's all of those. He's telling the kid that the "monsters" in his dreams and imagination are nothing compared to him, if he can master his fear. By mastering his fear of the unknown as a child, he'll be able to face the monsters of the real world: other humans, dangerous in their own ways. In other words: don't be afraid of the monster under your bed, when the monster who would want to use and abuse you is much worse.
- Or it could just be about a parent being pissed that his kid keeps complaining about monsters telling them to toughen up because life is going to get shittier...really depends on how you interpret it.
- "Anniversary", too. It's about a couple that's more in love every day, and the music's gorgeous.
- Don't forget "All the Way Down". Beautiful.
- Don't forget that Voltaire wrote a song dedicated to Grand Dutchess Anastasia, who was murdered at age 17. He even says he name in the Russian way, and some of the lyrics are absolutely sweet.
- "I kept your room just as you left it/There's not a toy out of place/Just in case the fates are kind/and you come back someday/I don't want to live without my little Anastasia!"
- In a subversion, Stuck with You ends with words of love.
- "Innocent", written to and about people who have been the victims of bullying and harassment, giving words of encouragement and reassurance that it's not their fault. What gets this troper is the bridge, where Voltaire invites the listener:
So let's wear black, let's blast The Cure and Siouxsie |
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