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- What the Shopping Trip from Barrayar is to Awesome, the Dinner Party from A Civil Campaign is to Funny.
- "Mother, father, I'd like to introduce you to — she's getting away!"
- For some reason, Mark's line earlier in the book never fails to make me laugh every time I read it:
Mark: "I wasn't questioning her fitness. That was merely a random noise of surprise." |
- "Here, buggy buggy..."
- Particularly when the guests start to leave:
Lord Dono: Thank you, Lord Vorkosigan, for a most memorable evening. |
- And then...
Cordelia: Pym! I seconded you to look after Miles. Would you care to explain this scene? |
- As Miles retreats in utter disarray:
Aral: Miles, are you drunk? |
- Of course, since A Civil Campaign has the secondary title: "A Comedy of Manners and Biology", the above are but a few of many. For example:
- A popular (among Tropers) character-defining moment for Miles, when Simon Illyan visits Ekaterin a few days after the Party:
Simon: Do you know all those old folk tales where the count tries to get rid of his only daughter's unsuitable suitor by giving him three impossible tasks? |
- "Who in the world could [Nikki] be calling on the comconsole?"
- Followed shortly by the reaction to the Imperial Security Officer showing up at the front door.
- "Who in the world could [Nikki] be calling on the comconsole?"
"Who did he call?" |
- "Twit."
- Ekaterin and Gregor's ironic, outlandish solution to a subplot that's mentioned twice in the entire book. She proposes the solution, he makes it an Imperial Decree.
Miles: We want to be out of the chamber before he reaches the second page. |
- Miles grandstanding as he resolves the problem with Dr. Borgos' extradition to Escobar.
- Miles's attempt to a yes-man for Emperor Gregor in Memory, which consists of him answering everything with "Yes, Sire" until Gregor (who is, fortunately, also Miles's foster brother) tells him to stop.
- Miles suffering from an outbreak of limericks in the middle of an official poetry-recitation ceremony in Cetaganda probably also qualifies.
- Miles suffering from an outbreak of Richard The Third on fast forward after being doped to the eyeballs with fast-penta. And in general Miles's ... interesting reactions to fast-penta.
- Ivan's reaction to his mother's new paramour:
Miles: You don't need to bellow. |
- In The Vor Game, Miles has been tasered into unconsciousness by cops and sold onto an indentured servant ship in the middle of a mission far from Barrayar. Then he comes to and sees his foster brother, Gregor, on the same ship with him:
A face wavered into view. A familiar face. |
- Not that Cordelia finds it funny, but this troper had to put down Barrayar and laugh for a good five minutes at the Barrayaran doctor's advice after she's just surgically given birth, hiked across a good amount of countryside while on the run from an enemy faction that wants to kill her and her family. Her feet are bloody, she has scars from her surgery, and she's severely malnourished and dehydrated. His advice?
"Have you considered starting an exercise program, Lady Vorkosigan?" |
- A little later in the same novel, Cordelia combines a Crowning Moment of Awesome with CMOF by "going shopping."
- Several books--and roughly thirty years in-story--after Cordelia's CMOA, Ekaterin suggests to Miles that they go shopping. Miles can only quip, "That's an offer seldom made to the son of my mother..."
- From Falling Free:
Bannerji: What are you doing with that, Dr. Yei? |
- Also, the reason she gave for borrowing the wrench in the first place: "To adjust an attitude."
- Miles' debut as Imperial Auditor in Memory is worth several chuckles.
- When Ivan finds out:
Ivan (indicating the elaborate gold chain and seal around Miles' neck): My God. Is that real? |
- As Miles arrives at ImpSec headquarters:
Miles (to the gate guards): Good afternoon, gentlemen. Please get on your comconsole and tell General Haroche that the Imperial Auditor is here. I request and require him to meet me in person at his front gate. Now. |
- Shortly afterwards in Haroche's office, Haroche comments on Miles' Bling of War:
Haroche (somewhat plaintively): Vorkosigan, tell me—is that really a Cetagandan Order of Merit? |
- And then, later on, Miles and Illyan take a boat out fishing. When they are unsuccessful, they decide to use a stunner rejiggered into an improvised bomb.
- And in Komarr, Miles ponders on waiting for inspiration, and how it is less like hunting and more like fishing. Then he remembers the last time he went fishing.
- Simon had earlier voiced suspicions about the piscine population of the lake:
- And then, later on, Miles and Illyan take a boat out fishing. When they are unsuccessful, they decide to use a stunner rejiggered into an improvised bomb.
Simon: Do you suppose all the fish in your lake have been stolen? |
- In Komarr, after Miles and Ekaterin have their Take My Hand moment into the pond:
Ekaterin (faintly): Oh, drat. |
- Also from Komarr: When Tien's creditors call Ekaterine, Miles blithely jumps into the call and forwards them to ImpSec to get rid of them.
Ekaterin: Now, was that nice? |
- This exchange from Cryoburn:
Miles: My case budget allows for a lot of discretion, you know. |
- Aso in Cryroburn after Roic saves the day stunning a hostage taker at point blank.
Leiber: You're pretty free with that thing. |
- In one of the books, Ivan gripes about the trouble Miles causes for "innocent bystanders." Miles asks if he considers himself part of that class. Ivan sighs, "God knows I try to be."