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  • Development Hell: Pixar had the idea for WALL-E when the first Toy Story was still in production. It took fourteen years to make that idea into a film.
  • Hey, It's That Voice!: The voice of the Axiom's computer is provided by Sigourney Weaver.
    • Auto's voice sound familiar? It's MacInTalk.
    • Defied with EVE, voiced by Elissa Knight. The original intention was to use her voice as a placeholder and hire someone more known later, but they loved her performance too much to replace it (and who could blame them?).
  • What Could Have Been:
    • WALL-E (Waste Allocation Load Lifter, Earth-Class) was originally called WAL-E (Waster Allocation Loader, Earth-Class)
    • An early draft for the film was much Darker and Edgier.
      • Rather than be sent to Earth by humans, EVE would have been in the service of a decadent alien race called the Gels, a nomadic species who sought out to colonize a new homeworld. They lived in a fleet of spaceships and were ruled by a monarchy, attended to by a Slave Race of robots whom WALL-E would have inspired to rebel. It would ended in an Earth All Along style ending by revealing that the Gels were the descendants of humanity. The plot was dropped because the writers felt that the Gels were too Unintentionally Unsympathetic and their Speaking Simlish made them difficult to relate to and understand.
      • In this draft, AUTO would have been more a conventional droid than part of the Axiom itself. The Axiom‍'‍s technology also a lot more Boring but Practical rather than Tron Lines and Tractor Beams.
    • The original plan for the trash compactor scene was to have EVE be damaged and WALL-E repair her. Andrew Stanton had the roles changed because he felt EVE repairing WALL-E was a testament to her Character Development. The original scene can be seen here. And on most video game adaptations.
    • EVE was originally coded as Probe-5. The change seems to have come rather late into production as she's still referred to as such in the various video games based on the film.
  • Working Title: Originally Trash Planet, then it was Out There.

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