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Lists the various wrestlers active during the Bischoff Era, from 1993 through 1996. Please limit associated tropes to that wrestler's time in the WCW.
Alex Wright (Alexander Wright, 1994–2001)[]
- Blond Guys Are Evil: As a heel (except when he became Berlyn).
- Evil Foreigner: As a heel.
- Fun Personified: As a face.
- Joke Character: When hanging around Disco Inferno.
- Red Baron: 'Das Wunderkind' and 'The German Wrestling Machine'.
- Suplex Finisher
- Those Two Guys: With Disco Inferno.
Booker T (Booker Tio Huffman, 1993-2001)[]
- Alternate Company Equivalent: During his Main Event push, some criticised him for becoming one of these of The Rock.
- Angry Black Man
- Arch Enemy: Either Jeff Jarrett or Scott Steiner.
- Breakup Breakout: Booker went from tag-teaming with Stevie Ray as the Harlem Heat to becoming a multiple time heavyweight champion.
- Boisterous Bruiser
- Catch Phrase: "Don't hate the player, hate the game!" was used as his during his World Title runs, to the extent of being a soundbyte at the start of his entrance music. It never really got over.
- The Determinator
- Everything's Better with Spinning
The Boss / The Guardian Angel / Big Bubba Rogers (Raymond Walter "Ray" Traylor, Jr., 1985-1987, 1993-1998)[]
- Alliterative Name: Big Bubba
- Badass Beard
- Badass in a Nice Suit: As Big Bubba, pre-nWo.
- Badass Longcoat: In the nWo.
- Cool Shades: In the nWo.
- Dirty Cop: As the Boss, but it was so similar to when he was the Big Bossman at the WWF (WWE), WCW scrapped the gimmick.
- Police Brutality
- Real Life Writes the Plot: He was a former Prison Guard.
- I Have Many Names
- Mook: In the nWo.
- Red Baron: 'The Man Who Stands for Law and Order' and 'Big' Bubba.
- Wrestling Doesn't Pay: First as a wrestling cop (The Boss), then a wrestling safety officer (Guardian Angel), then a wrestling bodyguard (Big Bubba).
Chris Benoit (1995-2000)[]
- Ascended Extra: His push out of the Cruiserweight division.
- Canon Dis Continuity: His one day reign as World Heavyweight Champion, which ended when he jumped ship to the WWF.
- The Determinator.
- Heterosexual Life Partners: With Dean Malenko
- Keep the Reward: Again, Benoit won the World Title but left the company anyway.
- Power Stable: Both The Four Horsemen and The Revolution.
- Reality Subtext: He once fueded with Kevin Sullivan over an in-character affair with Sullivan's wife, Nancy. This spilled out into real life and Nancy eventually married Benoit. Suffice to say some of the Benoit/Sullivan matches after that were stiff as hell.
- Which in turn, becomes a very cringe inducing Funny Aneurysm Moment.
- Red Baron: "The Canadian Crippler".
Chris Kanyon (a.k.a Mortis, Chris "Champagne" Kanyon and "Positively" Kanyon) (Christopher Klucsarits, 1995-2001)[]
- Catch Phrase: "Who's better than Kanyon?" Of course, the crowd would respond "Everybody!" rather than the "Nobody!" he was looking for.
- Cool Mask: He wore one when he first debuted, under the name "Mortis."
- Evil Knockoff: "Positively" Kanyon was this to DDP.
- Joisey: During his stint as a Triad member, although he was actually from Queens.
- Power Stable: He was a member of both The Flock and the Jersey Triad.
- Red Baron: "The Innovator of Offence". He was also briefly known as Chris "Champagne" Kanyon and "Positively" Kanyon.
- Vitriolic Best Buds: Had this kind of relationship with both Raven and DDP, at different times.
Dean Malenko (Dean Simon, 1995-2000)[]
- Arch Enemy: Chris Jericho.
- Badass
- Heterosexual Life Partners: With Chris Benoit
- Power Stable: Malenko was a member of both The Four Horsemen and The Revolution.
- Red Baron: 'The Iceman' and 'The Man of 1000 Holds'.
Disco Inferno (Glenn Gilbertti, 1995-2001)[]
- Disco Stu
- Fun Personified: As a face.
- Joke Character
- Parody: For a while one of his signature moves was The Village People's Elbow.
- Power Stable: The nWo and The Filthy Animals
- Tagalong Kid: When he was claiming to be a member of the nWo Wolfpac.
- Those Two Guys: With Alex Wright.
- Xtreme Kool Letterz: In 2000 he joined The Filthy Animals and changed his name to 'Disqo' as a play on 'Sisqo', who's 'Thong Song' was popular at the time.
Eddie Guerrero (1995-2000)[]
- BadassLatino
- Dirty Coward: As a heel.
- Homage/FinishingMove: The Frogsplash became Eddie's signature move, but it was his partner Art Barr who originally used the move; when Barr died, Eddie started using the move in tribute to his partner.
- Kick the Dog: His claiming to have been robbed by one of the masked wrestlers and forcing them all to unmask.
- Power Stable: Eddie was the leader of the Latino World Order, and a member of The Filthy Animals.
- Start My Own: The lWo.
- Worked Shoot: The lWo angle was born out of legit problems between Eddie and Eric Bischoff.
- Wrestling Family
"Fit" Finlay (David John Finlay, Jr.)[]
- Blood Knight
- Fighting Irish
- Finishing Move: The Tombstone Piledriver.
- Garbage Wrestler: Not at first, but he was one of the forerunners in WCW's Hardcore Division.
- Hot-Blooded
- Red Baron: 'Fit' and 'The Belfast Bruiser'.
- Oireland
- Wrestling Family: Both Finlay's father and his grandfathers were professional wrestlers, and his sister was a referee.
The Giant (Paul Wight, 1995-1999)[]
- The Brute
- Expy: Of Andre the Giant, who it was originally claimed was his father.
- The Giant: Obviously.
- Heel Face Revolving Door
- Mighty Glacier: Most of his offense consisted of hitting people. On the very rare occasions he climbed the turnbuckle it still took him about a minute to get up there.
- Power Stable: He was introduced as a member of the Dungeon of Doom, and went on to join the New World Order.
- You Beat My Father in a Wrestling Match and Destroyed His Career: His original motivation for going after Hulk Hogan.
Glacier (Ray Lloyd, 1996-1999)[]
- An Ice Person: Glacier had an impressive entrance centered around an ice-and-snow motif, as befits his name.
- Awesome but Impractical: His incredible entrance cost nearly half a million dollars to put together, including $35,000 on the faux-armor he wore to the ring alone.
- Captain Ersatz: Sub-Zero? Who's that?
- Icy Blue Eyes: Subverted, they were contacts.
- I Know Karate: The whole basis of his gimmick was that he was a martial artist who trained for years under the finest masters in Japan. Try to find a wrestler these days who doesn't integrate at least a little martial arts into their wrestling style.
- Perry Saturn would call attention to that during a mini-feud in 1998, where he mocked the claim that Glacier invented his Finishing Move the Cryonic Kick (actually just a standard Standing Side Kick).
- What Happened to the Mouse?: Glacier's feud with Mortis, Wrath and Vandenburg started when they stole the helmet that went with his elaborate entrance armor. Supposedly it was given to him by his late sensei and was his most treasured possession. Instead of triumphantly regaining it, he gradually forgot about it.
Hollywood Hulk Hogan (Terry Gene Bollea, 1994-2000)[]
- Alliterative Name
- All-American Face: Before he became Hollywood.
- Badass Beard: Being able to grow one (or at least some wicked stubble) overnight cemented the famous heel turn described below.
- Big Bad: As leader of the New World Order
- Boring Invincible Hero: It was the very staleness of his act that led to his infamous turn.
- Catch Phrase: Several
- Dirty Coward: As Hollywood, he hid behind the nWo whenever possible.
- Evil Costume Switch: He switched out his famous yellow trunks and boots for black-and-white tights with a lightning design airbrushed on when he joined the nWo.
- Face Heel Turn: One of the most famous in Professional Wrestling history, turning a beloved, clean-cut All-American Face into the rugged, ruthless leader of the New World Order (nWo).
- Finger-Poke of Doom: He delivered the Trope Namer.
- Five Moves of Doom
- No Sell
- Sleeves Are for Wimps
- Writing Around Trademarks: Part of the reason he became Hollywood, rather than Hulk, was the avoid legal issues with Marvel Comics.
- Verbal Tic: He uses the word 'brother' as punctuation.
Hugh Morrus / General Hugh G. Rection (William Charles "Bill" DeMott II, 1995-2001)[]
- Acrofatic
- Colonel Badass: As the General
- Evil Laugh: As Hugh Morrus
- Jobber: Mainly his time in the First Family.
- Leotard of Power
- Lightning Bruiser
- Power Stable: A member of the Dungeon of Doom and Leader of the Misfits in Action.
- Punny Name: Both names
Jeff Jarrett (1996-1997, 1999-2001)[]
- Alliterative Name
- The Artifact: His guitar, a remnant of his 'Country Singer' gimmick from the WWF
- Blond Guys Are Evil
- Cheap Heat: In a promo during the 10/1/2000 edition of WCW Monday Nitro, held in Buffalo, New York, Jarrett wore a Tennessee Titans jersey and proclaimed: "I ain't no Buffalo Bill, and I ain't a damn LOSER!". He also went through a period where he'd come down to the ring with several attractive ladies, then send them to the back so the fans couldn't see them.
- Chronic Backstabbing Disorder: He seemed to turn on almost everyone at one point or another.
- Kick the Dog: He returned to WCW in 1999 by smashing a guitar over interviewer Mike Tenay's head.
- Red Baron: "The Chosen One"
- Weapon of Choice: The old Acoustic Equaliser.
Jim Duggan (James Edward Duggan, 1994-2001)[]
- All-American Face
- Badass Beard
- Badass Grandpa
- Catch Phrase: "Hooo!" and "U-S-A!"
- Grail in the Garbage: Found the WCW TV title in the trash after Scott Hall threw it out. He declared himself the champion and started defending the belt.
- I Know Madden Kombat: His three-point stance into a tackle.
- The Quisling: Went Heel and joined Lance Storm and Team Canada.
- Red Baron: 'Hacksaw'
- Verbal Tic: See Catchphrase
- Weapon of Choice: A 2 x 4
- The Worf Effect: After he lost the U.S. title to Vader.
- Wrestling Doesn't Pay: Became the WCW janitor for a short time.
Jushin Liger (山田恵一 Yamada Keiichi, 1991-1999)[]
- Badass Long Hair
- Costume Porn
- Cool Mask
- Face
- I Have the High Ground
- Masked Luchador
- Red Baron 'Thunder'
- Shout-Out: His whole persona is this to the anime Jushin Liger
- Superhero
Konnan (Carlos Santiago Espada Moises, 1990, 1996-2001)[]
- Acrofatic: More pudgy than fat, but he could hang with the smaller wrestlers in skill.
- Badass Latino
- Bald of Awesome / Bald of Evil
- Catch Phrase: "Yo, yo, yo, lemme speak on this.... Orale! Arriba la raza!"
- Cool Shades
- Evil Foreigner: As a heel.
- Nice Hat
- Power Stable: The nWo and The Filthy Animals
- Red Baron: "K-Dogg"
Meng (Tonga 'Uli'uli Fifita, 1994-2001)[]
- Afro Asskicker
- Badass: Widely considered to be one of the biggest Real Life badasses in the business.
- Beware the Quiet Ones
- Hard Head
- Parts Unknown: He's from "Some Unknown Part of the Planet."
- Power Stable: A member of the Stud Stable, the Dungeon of Doom and the First Family.
- Who's on First?: He's a Tongan named Tonga.
- Wild Tongan
- The Worf Effect: Against Goldberg.
The Nasty Boys - Jerry Sags (Jerome Saganovich 1990, 1993-1997), Brian Knobbs (Brian Yandrisovitz 1990, 1993-1997, 1999-2001)[]
- Breakup Breakout: Knobbs, mainly due to the fact that Sags suffered a neck injury and had to retire.
- Eighties Hair
- Garbage Wrestlers
- Jerkasses: As heels and faces.
- The Quincy Punk
Randy Savage (Randall Mario Poffo, 1994-2000)[]
- Badass Beard
- Catch Phrase: "Oh, YEAH!"
- Celebrity Endorsement: "Snap into a Slim Jim!"
- Cool Shades
- Large Ham
- Red Baron: 'The Macho Man'
- Vitriolic Best Buds: With Hogan, both in and out of the nWo.
Rey Mysterio, Jr.. (Oscar Gutierrez, 1996-2001)[]
- Badass Latino
- Cool Mask
- The Determinator
- Executive Meddling: He lost his match because Eric Bischoff didn't think masked wrestlers were marketable.
- Face: A close second to Ricky Steamboat in face-titude. He had a short heel run in the Filthy Animals, but even then he came across more like a "going along with it cos that's what all my friends are doing" tweener. Other than that, face his entire career.
- Fragile Speedster
- I Have the High Ground
- Institutional Apparel: After being unmasked, he wore a prison jumpsuit.
- Legacy Character
- Masked Luchador
- No-Holds-Barred Beatdown: Kevin Nash throwing him like a lawn dart.
- Pint-Sized Powerhouse
- Power Stable: The Filthy Animals
- Wrestling Family
"Rowdy" Roddy Piper (Roderick "Roddy" George Toombs, 1996-2000)[]
- Ax Crazy
- Cool Old Guy
- Deadpan Snarker
- Fake Nationality (billed from Scotland, actually from Saskatchewan)
- Hot-Blooded
- Iconic Wrestler
- Jerkass (Heel)
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold (Face)
- Man in a Kilt
- Not Even Bothering with the Accent: He was supposed to be Scottish after all, whilst speaking with a recognisable Canadian accent.
- Violent Glaswegian
Steven Regal (Darren Kenneth Matthews, 1992-1998, 1999-2000)[]
- Affably Evil
- Combat Pragmatist
- Evil Brit: Arguably the biggest example in pro-wrestling. The trope (at least the wrestling version) could be renamed in favor of him.
- Red Baron: 'Lord' Steven.
- Power Stable: The Bluebloods.
- Preppy Name
- Quintessential British Gentleman
- Smug Snake
- The Southpaw
- Stiff Upper Lip
- Tag Team: With Eaton and Taylor in the Bluebloods.
Stevie Ray (Lane Huffman, 1993-2001)[]
- Aloof Big Brother Bully: During his time in the nWo against Booker T.
- Angry Black Man
- Boisterous Bruiser
- Catch Phrase: Calling his opponents "Fruit Booties".
- Demoted to Extra: When WCW folded, he was doing colour commentary on Thunder.
- The Jannetty: Booker T is a much bigger name.
- Scary Black Man
- Weapon of Choice: The Slapjack
Ultimo Dragon (浅井 嘉浩, Asai Yoshihiro, 1996-1998)[]
- Arch Enemy: First Psicosis, then anyone who was being managed by Sonny Onoo.
- Cool Mask
- Lightning Bruiser: A cruiserweight, but his kicks put him well into the Bruiser category.
- Evil Foreigner: At first
- Heel Face Turn: He debuted in WCW as a heel under Sonny Onoo's management, then split with Onoo and turned face. He's been a face ever since.
- I Have the High Ground: His turnbuckle handstand. Also, he innovated the Asai Moonsault.
- Masked Luchador: He was Japanese, but because of the brutality of the Japanese training system he trained to wrestle in Mexico.
- My Name Is Not Durwood: His name was initially mistranslated as The Ultimate Dragon.
- No-Holds-Barred Beatdown: Delivered one to Rey Mysterio, Jr.. On PPV. En route to winning the Cruiserweight Title.