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Lists the various female wrestlers and personalities throughout WCW. Please limit associated tropes to that wrestler's time in the WCW.
Female Wrestlers[]
Akira Hokuto (佐々木 寿子, Sasaki Hisako, 1995-1997)[]
- Action Girl
- Cool Mask
- Evil Foreigner: With Sonny Onoo.
- Signature Move: The Northern Lights Bomb, a move she created. Also her signature pin where she kneels across the opponent's body.
- Two First Names
- Ur Example: The first and only WCW Women's Champion.
Asya (Christine Marie "Christie" Wolf, 1999-2000)[]
- Action Girl
- Awesome McCoolname: Her real name Christie Wolf.
- Boobs of Steel
- Captain Ersatz: Of WWE's Chyna
- I Have Many Names: Wolf, Double D and Asya.
- Murderous Thighs
- Muscles Are Meaningful
- Wrestling Doesn't Pay: Initally, Ric Flair's wrestling nurse.
Bull Nakano (ブルなかの, Nakano Keiko, 1995-1996)[]
- Ax Crazy
- Brawn Hilda
- Evil Foreigner: With Sonny Onoo.
- Improbable Hairstyle
- Mighty Glacier
Daffney (Shannon Claire Spruill, 1999-2001)[]
- Ax Crazy
- Fetish Fuel Station Attendant
- Lightning Bruiser
- Mad Love: For David Flair.
- Murderous Thighs: Her Finishing Move for a long time was the Frankenscreamer.
- Perky Goth
- Screaming Warrior
Madusa (Debra Ann Miceli, 1991-1993, 1995-2001)[]
- Amazonian Beauty
- Dark Action Girl: Strangely mixed with All-American Face.
- Iconic Diva
- Statuesque Stunner
- Suplex Finisher
Miss Jacqueline (Jacqueline DeLois Moore, 1997-1998)[]
- Action Girl
- Amazonian Beauty
- Deep South
- Sassy Black Woman
- You Go, Girl!: She fought as many men as she did women.
Miss Madness / Mona (Nora Kristina Greenwald, 1999-2000)[]
- Beauty Contestant
- Cool Crown
- Does Not Like Shoes: At least when she wrestles.
- Dyeing for Your Art: She's a natual brunetter, but was blonde in WCW.
- I Have the High Ground
- Kicking Ass in All Her Finery
Rhonda Singh (Rhonda Ann Sing, 1999–2000)[]
- Canada, Eh?
- Cute Bruiser
- Plucky Comic Relief / Fan Disservice: As "Nitro Girl Beef".
- Stout Strength
- The Giant: She was not any taller than Medusa or Asya but was much heavier and very difficult to move.
Nitro Girls (1997-2001)[]
Group Tropes[]
- The Cheerleaders: Without the negative aspects, though some of them turn bad after they leave the group.
- Five-Token Band
- Form-Fitting Wardrobe
- Pit Girls
- Power Stable
- Team Fanservice
Chameleon / Ms. Jones (Carmel Macklin, 1999–2000)[]
- Action Girl
- Badass Teacher: What she is now for real.
- But Not Too Black
- Sassy Black Woman
- Sexy Secretary: As Ms. Jones for Ernest Miller.
Kimberly Page (Kimberly Lynn Bacon, 1991, 1994–2000)[]
- Action Girl
- Distressed Damsel
- The Leader: Type II of the Nitro Girls.
- Red Baron: The 'Diamond Doll', the 'Booty Babe' and the 'Booty Girl'.
- Wrestling Family: Ex-wife to 'Diamond' Dallas Page.
Skye / Miss Hancock / Stacy Kiebler (Stacy Ann-Marie Keibler, 1999-2001)[]
- Blondes Are Evil: As a Heel.
- Breakup Breakout: The second most successful former Nitro Girl from WCW (behind Kimberly) and by far the most famous.
- Dark Chick: As a Heel.
- I Have Many Names
- Sexy Secretary: As Miss Hancock for Standards and Practices.
- Show Some Leg: 42-inch-long ones, to be exact.
- Statuesque Stunner
Storm / Paisley (Sharmell Sullivan-Huffman, 1998-2001)[]
- Action Girl
- Finishing Move: DDT
- Odd Friendship: With Kwee Wee, a effeminate male wrestler.
- Sassy Black Woman
- Wrestling Family: Wife to Booker T and Sister-in-Law to Stevie Ray.
Tygress (Vanessa Sanchez, 1997-2001)[]
- Action Girl
- Animal Theme Naming
- Dark Chick: As a member of the Filthy Animals.
- Power Stable: The Filthy Animals.
- Spicy Latina
The Other Members - Spice (Melissa Bellin, 1997-2000), Chae (1997-2000), Fyre (Teri Byrne, 1997-2000), AC Jazz (Amy Crawford, 1997–1999), Whisper (Rebecca M. Hickenbottom, 1997-1999) Tayo (Tayo Reed, 1997-1998), Syren (Allison Pfau, 2000-2001), Chiquita (Chiquita Anderson, 2000-2001), Starr (Jennifer Bancalum, 2000-2001), Naughty-A (Jamie Cragwall, 2000-2001), Baby (Shannon McNeill, 2000), Gold & Silver (Diane Klimaszewski & Elaine Klimaszewski, 2000)[]
- Action Girl: Spice, Fyre and Syren.
- Always Identical Twins: Gold and Silver.
- Blonde, Brunette, Redhead
- Blonde: Spice, AC Jazz, Naughty-A, Baby, Gold & Silver
- Brunette: Chae, Whisper, Tayo, Chiquita, Starr
- Redhead: Fyre, Syren
- Chuck Cunningham Syndrome: Tayo.
- Non Action Girl: AC Jazz, who left WCW because she refused to wrestle.
- Wardrobe Malfunction: Chae, who had a nip slip during a performance.
- Wrestling Family: Whisper is the wife to former AWA and WWE wrestler, Shawn Michaels.
Alexandra York (Terri Lynne Boatright Runnels, 1990-1992)[]
- Dark Chick
- Dark-Skinned Blond: Due to tanning.
- Hot Mom
- Ms. Fanservice
- Non Action Girl
- Wrestling Family: Ex-wife to Dustin Runnels / Goldust.
Debra McMichael (Debra Gale Marshall, 1995-1997)[]
- Beauty Contestant
- Blondes Are Evil
- Breakup Breakout: To most of the wrestler's she has managed even her ex-husband, Mongo.
- Dark Chick
- Ms. Fanservice
- Non Action Girl
- Red Baron: 'The Queen of WCW'.
- Southern Belle
- Wrestling Family: Ex-wife to Steve "Mongo" McMichael and Steve Austin.
Gorgeous George (Stephanie Bellars, 1999)[]
Leia Meow (Kristina Laum, 1999-2000)[]
- The Cheerleader: For the Varsity Club.
- Dark Action Girl
- Dominatrix: As a member of the Jung Dragons.
- I Have the High Ground
- Ms. Fanservice
- Stripperiffic
- Whip It Good: Her riding crop as a member of the Jung Dragons.
Major Gunns (Tylene Buck, 1999-2001)[]
- Action Girl
- The Chick / Hair of Gold: With the Misfits in Action.
- The Dark Chick / Blondes Are Evil: With Team Canada.
- Double Entendre / Punny Name
- Ms. Fanservice
- Power Stable: With the nWo, the Misfits in Action and Team Canada.
- The Quisling: When she betrayed the Misfits in Action and joined Lance Storm and Team Canada.
Midajah (Melinda McCullum-O'Hearn, 1999-2001)[]
- Dark Action Girl
- Ms. Fanservice
- Power Stable: With the nWo and the Magnificent Seven.
- Red Baron: The 'Number One Queen Freak'
- Twofer Token Minority: Midajah is an American woman of Norwegian, Irish, Spanish, and French descent.
Miss Elizabeth Miss Elizabeth (Elizabeth Ann Hulette, 1996-1998, 1999)[]
Missy Hyatt (Melissa Ann Hiatt, 1987-1993)[]
- Corrupt the Cutie: Did this to Robin Green, making her Woman.
- Femme Fatale
- Ms. Fanservice
- Non Action Girl
- Really Gets Around
- Wrestling Family: Ex-wife to the late 'Hot Stuff' Eddie Gilbert.
Precious (Patti Williams, 1987-1988, 1992)[]
- All Love Is Unrequited: She's only had eye for Jimmy in her WCW run, but that doesn't stop Ric Flair and Kevin Sullivan from trying to court her.
- Hair of Gold
- Ms. Fanservice
- Non Action Girl
- Wrestling Family: Wife to Jimmy Garvin.
Sherri Martel (Sherri Schrull, born Sherri Russell, 1994-1997)[]
- Action Girl
- Alliterative Name
- Combat Stilettos
- Red Baron: 'Sensational' and 'Sistah' when she managed Harlem Heat.
- Tall, Dark and Bishoujo
Samantha / Torrie Wilson (Torrie Anne Wilson, 1999-2000)[]
Tammy Lynn Sytch (Tamara Lynn Sytch, 2000)[]
- Blondes Are Evil
- Dark Action Girl
- Ms. Fanservice
- The Vamp
- Wrestling Family: Her late husband, Chris Candido.
Woman (Nancy Elizabeth Benoit, 1989-1993, 1996-1997)[]
- Corrupted Cutie: She was initially Robin Greene, a geeky fan with a crush on Rick Steiner. She eventually went to Missy Hyatt for advice on how to win him over, got a sultry new makeover... and shortly aftewards, realizing the power her looks gave her, ditched him for Doom, becoming Woman.
- Dark Chick
- Ms. Fanservice
- Power Stable: Managed Doom and was closely associated with the Four Horsemen.
- The Vamp