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Lists the various wrestlers active during WCW's final years in business, from 1996 through 1999. Please limit associated tropes to that wrestler's time in the WCW.

3 Count - Evan Karagias (1997-2001), Shane Helms (Gregory Shane Helms, 1999-2001), Shannon Moore, (1999-2001)[]

Chris Candido (Christopher Raulvtvtuy Candito, 2000-2001)[]

Elix Skipper (2000-2001)[]

Jung Dragons - Kaz Hayashi (林 和広, Hayashi Kazuhiro, 1997-2001), Yang (James Carson Yun, 2000-2001) Jamie-San / Jamie Noble (James Howard Gibson, 2000-2001)[]

Kid Romeo (Sam Loman, 1999, 2001)[]

Kronik - Brian Adams (Brian Keith Adams 1998-2001), Bryan Clark (Bryan Emmeth Clark 1991-1993, 1997-2001)[]

Lance Storm (Lance Evers, 2000-2001)[]

  • The Ace: The first and only man to hold three WCW championships simultaneously.
  • Canada, Eh?
  • Catch Phrase: "If I can be serious for a minute...", "All rise for the playing of the Canadian National Anthem!".
  • Cheap Heat: His constant running down of America, and his renaming of the various belts he won.
  • The Comically Serious
  • Evil Foreigner
  • Fun with Acronyms: When he won the WCW Hardcore Championship, he renamed it the 'Saskatchewan Hardcore International Title'.
  • Jack of All Stats: Storm's biggest strength as a wrestler was that, although he wasn't the best at any one style, he was good enough at so many different styles he could always do more things better than his opponent, than his opponent could do better than him.
  • Power Stable: Team Canada.

Lash LeRoux (Johnathan Mark LeRoux, 1998-2001)[]

The Mamalukes - Big Vito (Vito LoGrasso 1999-2001), Johnny the Bull (John Hugger 1999-2001)[]

Mike Awesome (Michael Lee Alfonso, 2000-2001)[]

  • The Brute
  • Canada, Eh?: Not really, but he did turn heel and join Lance Storm's Team Canada stable.
  • Disco Stu: He was briefly repackaged as "That '70's Guy", wearing polyester suits, driving a Partridge Family bus and hosting "The Lava Lamp Lounge".
  • Eighties Hair: His mullet.
  • Lightning Bruiser: Scott Hudson loved to describe him as 'the heavyweight that flies like a cruiserweight'.
  • Red Baron: "That '70's Guy", "The Fat Chick Thrilla". Both as awful as they sound.

The Natural Born Thrillers - Mike Sanders (Michael Edwin Neil Sanders 1998-2001), Chuck Palumbo (Charles "Chuck" Palumbo 1998-2001), Shawn Stasiak (Dr. Shawn Emile Stipich, 2000-2001), Sean O'Haire (Sean Christopher Haire, 2000-2001), Mark Jindrak, (Mark Robert Jindrak, 2000-2001), Reno, (Richard "Rick" Cornell 1999-2001), Johnny the Bull (John Hugger 1999-2001)[]

Shane Douglas (Troy Shane Martin, 1989-1990, 1999-2001)[]

Tank Abbott (David Lee Abbott, 1999-2001)[]

Vampiro (Ian Richard Hodgkinson, 1998-2000)[]

The Wall / Sgt. AWOL (Jerry Tuite, 1999-2001)[]