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Lists the various wrestlers active during WCW's final years in business, from 1996 through 1999. Please limit associated tropes to that wrestler's time in the WCW.
3 Count - Evan Karagias (1997-2001), Shane Helms (Gregory Shane Helms, 1999-2001), Shannon Moore, (1999-2001)[]
- Arch Enemy: The Jung Dragons.
- Breakup Breakout: Shane Helms, though Karagias had a notable title run and girlfriend in Medusa before joining 3 Count.
- I Have the High Ground
- Power Trio
- Spell My Name with an "S": Either 3 Count ore Three Count.
- Wrestling Doesn't Pay: A wrestling Boy Band.
Chris Candido (Christopher Raulvtvtuy Candito, 2000-2001)[]
- Alliterative Name
- Blondes Are Evil
- Costume Copycat: To Terry Funk
- Garbage Wrestler
- I Have the High Ground
- Wrestling Family: His brother Johnny, who he trained personally before he died.
Elix Skipper (2000-2001)[]
- I Have the High Ground
- Do-It-Yourself Theme Tune
- Bragging Theme Tune
- The Jimmy Hart Version: His theme is a cover for "Party Up by DMX.
- Jerk Jock
- The Quisling: Joined Lance Storm and Team Canada at one point.
- Red Baron: 'Primetime'
- Small Name, Big Ego
Jung Dragons - Kaz Hayashi (林 和広, Hayashi Kazuhiro, 1997-2001), Yang (James Carson Yun, 2000-2001) Jamie-San / Jamie Noble (James Howard Gibson, 2000-2001)[]
- Arch Enemy: 3 Count.
- Cool Mask: Jamie-San.
- Fake Nationality: Both Yang and Jamie-San are American born. Jamie hid that he was also a Caucasian male, until he left the group and became Jamie Noble.
- I Have the High Ground
- Power Trio
- Spell My Name with an "S": Sometimes the group's name as the Young Dragons.
Kid Romeo (Sam Loman, 1999, 2001)[]
- Casanova Wannabe
- I Have the High Ground
- The Jimmy Hart Version: His theme is a cover for "Cup of Life by Ricky Martin.
- Red Baron: 'Kid'
- The Trope Kid
Kronik - Brian Adams (Brian Keith Adams 1998-2001), Bryan Clark (Bryan Emmeth Clark 1991-1993, 1997-2001)[]
- Aloha Hawaii: Adams
- Badass Beard
- Badass Long Hair
- Bash Brothers
- The Big Guy: As faces.
- The Brute: As heels.
- Expy: Clark as Wrath for Shao Khan.
- Giant Mook: Adams in the nWo
- I Have Many Names: Clark as the Nightstalker and Wrath.
- One Steve Limit: Averted.
- Xtreme Kool Letterz: The name of the group.
Lance Storm (Lance Evers, 2000-2001)[]
- The Ace: The first and only man to hold three WCW championships simultaneously.
- Canada, Eh?
- Catch Phrase: "If I can be serious for a minute...", "All rise for the playing of the Canadian National Anthem!".
- Cheap Heat: His constant running down of America, and his renaming of the various belts he won.
- The Comically Serious
- Evil Foreigner
- Fun with Acronyms: When he won the WCW Hardcore Championship, he renamed it the 'Saskatchewan Hardcore International Title'.
- Jack of All Stats: Storm's biggest strength as a wrestler was that, although he wasn't the best at any one style, he was good enough at so many different styles he could always do more things better than his opponent, than his opponent could do better than him.
- Power Stable: Team Canada.
Lash LeRoux (Johnathan Mark LeRoux, 1998-2001)[]
- Alliterative Name
- Fiery Redhead
- Hotblooded Sideburns
- I Have the High Ground
- The Lancer: For Gen. Rection in Misfits in Action
- Power Stable: The Misfits in Action as Corporal Cajun.
- Ragin Cajun
- Red Baron: 'Lash'
- Sequential Artist: What he does full time after he retired from the ring. He's done artwork for not only WCW Magazine but also the 2008 film The Wrestler.
The Mamalukes - Big Vito (Vito LoGrasso 1999-2001), Johnny the Bull (John Hugger 1999-2001)[]
- American Accents: Noo Yawk
- Brooklyn Rage
- Heel Face Revolving Door: Johnny the Bull turned on Big Vito to join the Natural Born Thrillers. Only three months later, Johnny is back being Vito's tag team partner.
- The Jimmy Hart Version: Their theme sounds very similar to the theme to The Godfather films.
- The Mafia
- Red Baron: 'Big' Vito and Johnny 'the Bull'.
Mike Awesome (Michael Lee Alfonso, 2000-2001)[]
- The Brute
- Canada, Eh?: Not really, but he did turn heel and join Lance Storm's Team Canada stable.
- Disco Stu: He was briefly repackaged as "That '70's Guy", wearing polyester suits, driving a Partridge Family bus and hosting "The Lava Lamp Lounge".
- Eighties Hair: His mullet.
- Lightning Bruiser: Scott Hudson loved to describe him as 'the heavyweight that flies like a cruiserweight'.
- Red Baron: "That '70's Guy", "The Fat Chick Thrilla". Both as awful as they sound.
The Natural Born Thrillers - Mike Sanders (Michael Edwin Neil Sanders 1998-2001), Chuck Palumbo (Charles "Chuck" Palumbo 1998-2001), Shawn Stasiak (Dr. Shawn Emile Stipich, 2000-2001), Sean O'Haire (Sean Christopher Haire, 2000-2001), Mark Jindrak, (Mark Robert Jindrak, 2000-2001), Reno, (Richard "Rick" Cornell 1999-2001), Johnny the Bull (John Hugger 1999-2001)[]
- Genius Bruiser: Stasiak in Real Life
- Glass Cannon: Sanders.
- I Have the High Ground: Sanders and surprisingly O'Haire.
- Lightning Bruiser: Everyone but Reno and Sanders.
- Mighty Glacier: Reno
- Power Stable
- Big Bad: Sanders
- The Dragon: Palumbo
- The Evil Genius: Stasiak and O'Haire share this role.
- The Brute: Reno
- The Dark Chick: Jindrak
- Sixth Ranger: Johnny the Bull
- Punny Name: Based off Natural Born Killers.
Shane Douglas (Troy Shane Martin, 1989-1990, 1999-2001)[]
- Blondes Are Evil
- Dirty Coward
- Heel
- Jerkass
- Red Baron 'The Franchise'
- Smug Snake
- Suplex Finisher
- Two First Names
Tank Abbott (David Lee Abbott, 1999-2001)[]
- Fingerless Gloves
- I Know MMA
- I'm Your Biggest Fan: To 3 Count, until they told him he wasn't allowed to join them.
- One Hit KO: In Real Life, it be came his finishing move called the 'The Phantom Right'.
- Red Baron: 'Tank'
- Stout Strength
Vampiro (Ian Richard Hodgkinson, 1998-2000)[]
- Eerie Pale-Skinned Brunette
- Goth
- Juggalo: To the point where he hung out with the Insane Clown Posse and The Misfits.
- Lightning Bruiser
- Our Vampires Are Different: His finishing moves are named Vampiro's Bite and the Nail in the Coffin.
The Wall / Sgt. AWOL (Jerry Tuite, 1999-2001)[]
- Blondes Are Evil / The Brute: While serving Berlyn (Alex Wright) and as a member of the New Blood.
- Hair of Gold / The Big Guy: Of the Misfits in Action.
- Mighty Glacier
- Power Stable: The New Blood and the Misfits in Action.