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Lists the various wrestlers active during the nWo Invasion Era, from 1996 through 1999. Please limit associated tropes to that wrestler's time in the WCW.

Bam Bam Bigelow (Scott Charles Bigelow, 1988, 1998-2001)[]

Billy Kidman (Peter Allen Grunner, 1996-2001)[]

Bret Hart (1997-2000)[]

Chavo Guerrero Jr. (Salvador Chavito Guerrero Llanes III. 1996-2001)[]

Chris Jericho (Christopher Keith Irvine, 1996-1999)[]

Crowbar (Christopher "Chris" Ford, 1999-2001)[]

Curt Hennig (Curtis Michael "Curt" Hennig, 1997-2000)[]

David Flair (David Richard Fliehr, 1998-2001)[]

Ernest Miller (Ernest Clifford Miller, 1997-2001)[]

Goldberg (William Scott "Bill" Goldberg, 1997-2001)[]

Juventud Guerrera (Eduardo Aníbal González Hernández, 1996-2000)[]

Kevin Nash (Kevin Scott Nash, 1990-1993, 1996-2001)[]

La Parka (Adolfo Margarito Tapia Ibarra, 1996-2000)[]

Norman Smiley (Norman Anthony Smiley, 1990, 1997-2001)[]

Perry Saturn (Perry Arthur Satullo, 1997-2000)[]

Prince Iaukea (Michael Laauli "Mike" Hayner, 1995-2000)[]

Psicosis (Dionicio Castellanos Torres, 1996-2000)[]

  • Arch Enemy: Rey Mysterio, Jr.. From the time they both debuted in wrestling until Psicosis got fired from WWE.
  • Axe Crazy: One of his signature moves was diving straight over the top rope, head first.
  • Cool Mask
  • Masked Luchador
  • Fragile Speedster: Against heavyweights. Against wrestlers his own size he was nearly a Lightning Bruiser - had a great powerbomb and a lariat.
  • I Have the High Ground
  • Spikes of Villainy: His wristguards and shoulderpads had (decorative) spikes on them.
  • The Chew Toy: Mr. Torres got way more than his share of bad breaks. Cancelled push after cancelled push, being forced to lose a title he never won twice.
  • What Could Have Been: His short lived one-man-rage against Raven's Flock when former enemy Ultimo Dragon helped him fend off the stable. Only the WCW bookers lost interest in the angle, buried him to Perry Saturn 2 weeks later. And his Cruiserweight Title run, which was supposed to be lengthy until Vince Russo decided to start deliberately having the titles change hands continually.
  • What the Hell, Hero?: Perpetrated against him. He was forcibly unmasked by the Filthy Animals. Who were a face stable. And two of whom, Konnan and Rey Jr., were luchadors themselves.
  • With Friends Like These...: Psychosis and La Parka formed a semi-regular tag team. La Parka probably hit Psychosis with his chair for no reason more often than the tandem won matches in their entire WCW run.

Raven (Scott Anthony Levy, 1992–1993, 1997-1999)[]

Scott Hall (Scott Oliver Hall, 1989-1992, 1996-2000)[]