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Lists the various wrestlers active during the nWo Invasion Era, from 1996 through 1999. Please limit associated tropes to that wrestler's time in the WCW.
Bam Bam Bigelow (Scott Charles Bigelow, 1988, 1998-2001)[]
- Acrofatic: Another large man capable of a moonsault, among other high-flying feats.
- Alliterative Name
- Badass Beard
- Bald of Awesome
- The Big Guy
- The Brute
- Demoted to Extra: Went from fueding with Goldberg to messing around in the Hardcore division.
- Joisey
- Lightning Bruiser: Much quicker than most men his size.
- Power Stable: Was a member of the Jersey Triad, along with Kanyon and DDP.
Billy Kidman (Peter Allen Grunner, 1996-2001)[]
- Fragile Speedster
- Getting Crap Past the Radar: While he was in The Flock, he essentially played a heroin addict, even naming his finisher “The Seven Year Itch”
- I Have the High Ground
- Last-Name Basis: During, and for a while after, his tenure in The Flock.
- Limited Wardrobe: For much of his run he seemed to constantly wear the same wifebeater and jean shorts.
- Power Stable: Was a member of both The Flock and The Filthy Animals
- Schmuck Bait: One of his signature moves was countering a powerbomb with a facebuster – even against opponents who never usually went for powerbombs!
Bret Hart (1997-2000)[]
- Badass Boast: His constant claim to be 'The Best There Is, The Best There Was, The Best There Ever Will Be'.
- Canada, Eh?
- Cool Shades
- Demoted to Extra: Bafflingly, during most of his run despite the huge popularity he had from the WWF.
- Five Moves of Doom: The Trope Namer
- Heel Face Revolving Door: He turned an awful lot during the little over two years he was with the company.
- Memetic Mutation: "Who are you to doubt El Dandy?"
- Power Stable: He was, briefly, the leader of the N Wo 2000.
- Real Life Writes the Plot: Concussion will do that.
- Real Men Wear Pink
- Red Baron: 'The Hitman', 'The Excellence of Execution'.
- What Could Have Been: His title reign and run as leader of the New World Order.
- Wrestling Family: He's from one of the most famous.
Chavo Guerrero Jr. (Salvador Chavito Guerrero Llanes III. 1996-2001)[]
- Badass Family
- Badass Latino
- Butt Monkey
- Cloudcuckoolander: Becam "crazy" at one point.
- Companion Cube: Pepé the stick horse when Chavo went nuts.
- Funny Foreigner
- Genre Savvy: Managed to avoid a match with Stevie Ray by pretending o be beaten in order to be ready for his match against his "Uncle Eddie".
- Good Looking Privates: As Lt. Loco in the Misfits in Action.
- I Have the High Ground
- It Runs in The Family
- Power Stable: A member of the lWo and the Misfits in Action.
- Wrestling Family
Chris Jericho (Christopher Keith Irvine, 1996-1999)[]
- Arch Enemy: Dean Malenko.
- Dirty Coward
- Jack of All Stats
- The Jimmy Hart Version: His entrance theme was a knock-off of 'Even Flow' by Pearl Jam.
- Large Ham
- The Long List: He once listed 1004 holds he knew, to parody rival Dean Malenko. Every other hold was ARM-BAR!'.
- The Nicknamer
- Overly Long Gag: His list of 1004 holds.
- Parody: Of Goldberg's entrance, complete with two overweight security guards and getting lost on the way to the ring.
- Real Life Writes the Plot: His fued with Goldberg followed a backstage altercation between the two.
- Red Baron: 'The Lionheart'.
- Shout-Out: His ring-name comes from a Helloween album.
- Small Name, Big Ego: In character, that is.
Crowbar (Christopher "Chris" Ford, 1999-2001)[]
- Ax Crazy
- Crowbar Combatant: At least until he met Crowbar (a person), the he wielded one.
- I Have the High Ground
- Lightning Bruiser
- Wrestling Doesn't Pay: A gas station attendant, although that was forgotten after about a month or so.
Curt Hennig (Curtis Michael "Curt" Hennig, 1997-2000)[]
- Blond Guys Are Evil: While a heel.
- Chronic Backstabbing Disorder: Hennig betrayed Diamond Dallas Page, The Four Horsemen and the nWo Wolfpac.
- Dark-Skinned Blond
- Demoted to Extra: As part of the nWo B-Team
- Jerk Jock
- Lightning Bruiser
- Oral Fixation Fixation: Chewing gum before his matches.
- Power Stable: He was a member of both The Four Horsemen and New World Order.
- Suplex Finisher: The Hennig-Plex.
David Flair (David Richard Fliehr, 1998-2001)[]
- Antagonistic Offspring: To his father Ric Flair.
- Ax Crazy
- Blondes Are Evil
- Calling the Old Man Out
- Chick Magnet: Dated Torrie Wilson, Stacy Kiebler (in Real Life too) and Daffney.
- Crowbar Combatant: At least until he met Crowbar (a person), then he wielded one.
- Four Is Death: His finisher, the Figure-Four Leglock.
- Smug Snake
- Wrestling Family
Ernest Miller (Ernest Clifford Miller, 1997-2001)[]
- Dark-Skinned Blond / Dyeing for Your Art
- I Know Karate: And he could beat anybody within two minutes.
- Jive Turkey
- Real Men Wear Pink: He wore ruby slipers when he started dancing like James Brown.
- Red Baron: 'The Cat'.
- Reasonable Authority Figure: As the WCW Commissioner.
- Small Name, Big Ego: "I'm the greatest!!!"
- Soul Brotha
Goldberg (William Scott "Bill" Goldberg, 1997-2001)[]
- Badass
- Badass Beard
- Bald of Awesome
- The Big Guy
- Catch Phrase: "Who's next?"
- Implacable Man
- Last-Name Basis
- No Sell
- Screaming Warrior
- Sleeves Are for Wimps
- Showy Invincible Hero
- Squash Match: Most of 'The Streak' was made up of these.
- Unstoppable Rage
Juventud Guerrera (Eduardo Aníbal González Hernández, 1996-2000)[]
- Badass Long Hair: Which flow back and forth from the headbanging he'd do as part of his ring entrance.
- Cool Mask
- Fragile Speedster
- I Have the High Ground
- Mr. Fanservice
- Masked Luchador
- Meaningful Name: His name translates into 'Youth Warrior'.
- Wrestling Family: Son to luchador, Fuerza Guerrera.
Kevin Nash (Kevin Scott Nash, 1990-1993, 1996-2001)[]
- The Big Guy
- Defeating the Undefeatable: His victory over the previously undefeated Goldberg at Starrcade '98.
- The Dragon: He and Hall shared this role in the nWo.
- Did You Just Punch Out Cthulhu?: Again, his win over Goldberg.
- Fan Nickname: "Big Poochie.", Big Lazy.
- Finger-Poke of Doom: He was on the receiving end of the original.
- Five Moves of Doom: They actually made a running joke of the fact that Nash only knew three moves, to the extent that when he busted out a chokeslam Mark Madden yelled, excitedly, 'He's got FOUR moves!'
- Genius Bruiser
- Heterosexual Life Partners: With Scott Hall
- Old Shame: His runs as Oz, Vinne Vegas and one half of the Master Blasters.
- Red Baron: "Big Sexy"
- Spotlight-Stealing Squad: Due to his backstage pull.
- The Starscream: He turned against Hogan, leading to the nWo splitting into two factions.
La Parka (Adolfo Margarito Tapia Ibarra, 1996-2000)[]
- Air Guitar: With the steel chari during his ring entrances.
- Chairman of the Brawl
- Cool Mask
- Lightning Bruiser: The biggest of WCW's luchadores, La Parka was well over the size limit to be considered a cruiserweight.
- I Have the High Ground
- Masked Luchador
- Meaningful Name: His name translates into 'The Mask'.
- Red Baron: 'The Chairman of WCW.
Norman Smiley (Norman Anthony Smiley, 1990, 1997-2001)[]
- Ascended Extra: From a low card Jobber to the star of WCW's brief Hardcore Division.
- Black and Nerdy
- Dance Battler: Incorporates his "Big Wiggle" dance into some of his moves.
- Evil Brit
- Garbage Wrestler: Subverted, he'd dish it out, but he was so afraid of getting hit by weapons and hard items, he'd wear sport-related armor (usually a Football uniform, jersey, pads and all) to the matches.
- Lovable Coward / Dirty Coward: Depending if he was Face or Heel.
- Pec Flex
- Red Baron: 'Screamin'. Because he...
Perry Saturn (Perry Arthur Satullo, 1997-2000)[]
- Badass
- Bald of Awesome: As a face
- Bald of Evil: As a heel
- The Dragon: As part of Raven's Flock.
- Lightning Bruiser
- Power Stable: Raven's Flock.
- Real Men Wear Pink: After loosing a "Loser Wears a Dress" match to Chris Jericho.
- Suplex Finisher
Prince Iaukea (Michael Laauli "Mike" Hayner, 1995-2000)[]
- Aloha Hawaii
- The Jimmy Hart Version: His theme music as the Artist is an instrumental sounding similar to Prince's "Purple Rain".
- The Artist Formally Known as Prince Iaukea: In 2000 as a No Celebrities Were Harmed Expy of the Artist Formally Known as Prince.
- Red Baron: 'Prince'
- Spiritual Predecessor: To Samoa Joe due to his unique Samoan persona and real submission wrestling skills along with solid pro wrestling ability.
- Wild Samoan: Averted
Psicosis (Dionicio Castellanos Torres, 1996-2000)[]
- Arch Enemy: Rey Mysterio, Jr.. From the time they both debuted in wrestling until Psicosis got fired from WWE.
- Axe Crazy: One of his signature moves was diving straight over the top rope, head first.
- Cool Mask
- Masked Luchador
- Fragile Speedster: Against heavyweights. Against wrestlers his own size he was nearly a Lightning Bruiser - had a great powerbomb and a lariat.
- I Have the High Ground
- Spikes of Villainy: His wristguards and shoulderpads had (decorative) spikes on them.
- The Chew Toy: Mr. Torres got way more than his share of bad breaks. Cancelled push after cancelled push, being forced to lose a title he never won twice.
- What Could Have Been: His short lived one-man-rage against Raven's Flock when former enemy Ultimo Dragon helped him fend off the stable. Only the WCW bookers lost interest in the angle, buried him to Perry Saturn 2 weeks later. And his Cruiserweight Title run, which was supposed to be lengthy until Vince Russo decided to start deliberately having the titles change hands continually.
- What the Hell, Hero?: Perpetrated against him. He was forcibly unmasked by the Filthy Animals. Who were a face stable. And two of whom, Konnan and Rey Jr., were luchadors themselves.
- With Friends Like These...: Psychosis and La Parka formed a semi-regular tag team. La Parka probably hit Psychosis with his chair for no reason more often than the tandem won matches in their entire WCW run.
Raven (Scott Anthony Levy, 1992–1993, 1997-1999)[]
- Arch Enemy: 'Diamond' Dallas Page.
- Big Bad: As part of Raven's Flock.
- Catch Phrase: "Quote the Raven, nevermore" and "What about me? "What about Raven?"
- Complete Monster: Has his moments where he steps into this.
- Garbage Wrestler
- I Have Many Names: At first, he was known as 'Scotty Flamingo', a wrestling Surfer Dude.
- Manipulative Bastard
- Non-Idle Rich
- Power Stable: Raven's Flock, but it was more like a Cult.
Scott Hall (Scott Oliver Hall, 1989-1992, 1996-2000)[]
- The Alcoholic
- Catch Phrase: "Hey Yo!"
- The Dragon: He and Kevin Nash served as Hogan's in the nWo.
- Heel Face Revolving Door: After the breakup of the nWo.
- Heterosexual Life Partners: With Kevin Nash.
- Perma Stubble
- Popularity Power: After he left the company, there would quite often be signs demanding his return and 'We Want Hall!' chants. On one occasion, a framed photo of him got the biggest pop of the night during an episode of Nitro.
- Real Life Writes the Plot: His real life issues with alcoholism and other vices inserted themselves into the storylines. Since they were on-going issues, it was particularly hard to watch.