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Lists the various ring-side managers throughout WCW. Please limit associated tropes to the individual's time in the WCW.

Crockett Era Managers (1982-1988)[]

James "J.J." Dillon (James Morrison, 1982-1988, 1997-1998)[]

Paul Jones (Paul Frederick, 1982-1988)[]

Paul Ellering, (1986-1990)[]

NWA-WCW Era Managers (1988-1993)[]

Teddy Long (Theodore Rufus Long. 1985-1996)[]

Bischoff Era Managers (1993-1996)[]

The Assassin (Jody Hamilton, 1983-1984, 1993-2001[1])[]

Col. Robert Parker (Robert Welch, 1993-1998)[]

Jimmy Hart (Jimmy Ray Hart, 1994-2001)[]

A long serving manager, who jumped from the WWF with Hulk Hogan. As WCW music composer, he was notorious for ripping off popular songs for the wrestlers to use as theme music.

nWo Invasion Era Managers (1996-1999)[]

Sonny Onoo (Kazuo Onoo, 1995-1999)[]

Managers of the Final Years (1999-2000)[]

Tony Marinara (Charles John Spencer)[]

  1. From 1995-2001 he was the trainer for WCW's Power Plant and was rarely seen on camera.