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WWII in HD, or World War II in HD is a documentary Miniseries by The History Channel focusing on World War II following the stories of 12 American service members during the war. Their narration was told their records through the war or through interviews. The clips shown in the documentary were originally shot in color during the war and most of it had not been shown in public prior. It covers the two major theaters of the war, the European (against Those Wacky Nazis and Fascist Italy) and the Pacific (against Katanas of the Rising Sun - Imperial Japan).

Shows Examples Of:[]

  • Brits With Battleships: One of the service members were part of the American soldiers under British command.
  • Driven to Suicide: Many of the civilians of Saipan after the American victory in the island.
  • Earn Your Happy Ending: Charles Scheffel survived the war after almost dying and losing his trigger finger. He returned home and stayed married to his wife until her death.
  • Exactly What It Says on the Tin: It's a documentary about World War II with footage shown in High Definition (HD).
    • From the US perspective, so it's YMMV on that. E.g. no soviet aspects, for a larger look on the war look up WWI Iin Colour or WWI Iin Color which one gets through
  • The Medic: June Waundrey, an army nurse.
  • Obligatory War Crime Scene: Scheffel put an American Jew soldier in charge of bringing German prisoners of war back to base. It went just as well as anyone familiar with WW 2 history can expect...
  • Rousing Speech: Speeches of Winston Churchill and/or FDR were usually used at the beginning or end of an episode.
  • Sacrificial Lamb: Archie Sweeney, the first one of the 12 who died. His death was also coming rather unexpectedly.
  • Stock Footage: While generally averted, there are some places where this is used.
  • War Is Hell: The documentary consistently showed footage of the war carnage.
  • Yanks With Tanks: The main focus of the documentary.
    • More like Americaitis but given the History Chnnel and whatnot, it is to be expected.