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  • In season 1 episode 12, at the end of the Bontarian Gobbowl tournament, after a ridiculously epic clash between Yugo, Kriss and their teams, everyone lies injured on the field, save for Kriss who has the gobball. He saunters over to the goal circle and showboats for far too long, purposefully not scoring the goal. While he's doing this, Sadlygrove picks himself up and uses the charge in his shield to knock Kriss flying. He then turns to Yugo on the ground, offers his hand and says, "Let's become legends, Yugo," and carries him to the goal. He then sets him down and allows Yugo to score the final goal. *sniff* For all his attempts to be recognized as a hero, Sadlygrove is one of the most selfless characters on the show.
  • The episode with Ruel's bag. Ruel was upset enough, naturally, the genie was going after his money. But it's only when Yugo passes out after saving Ruel from falling down a cliff that he gets angry and determined enough to fight the thing. With what appeared to be chocolate coins.
  • The story of Nox's "dog" Igôle: After being sent after Yugo and Adamaï, he finds a home with a young girl who reminds him of one of Nox's children.
  • The end credits montage for Season 1, much needed after the massive Tearjerker that preceded it. Even The sight of Nox, dissolved to ash atop his family's grave is still heartwarming: his remains get to rest with the family he worked so hard to reunite with. Also doubles as a Tear Jerker.
  • Yugo's reunion with Alibert at the start of season 2.
  • Sadlygrove's return in Season 2 Episode 4. The sheer joy felt by the group is undoubtedly the same way most fans felt.
  • Season 2 episode 7: King Sheran Sharm not only letting his daughter go with the rest of the Brotherhood(unbenownst to her of course), and even having his servants pack some food and whatever changes of cloth she might need. And as to why? Because as he puts it, "She's just like her mother". Daw.
  • And earlier, after Amalia and her brother fighting, the King reveals that Armand was the most torn up about her going missing, and looked the happiest he'd ever been when they got a snowglobe from Bonta depicting Amalia and the rest of the Brotherhood of the Tofu, showing that she was alright.
  • Amalia choosing to save Yugo first in "The Thursters", at first justifying her decision by citing his competence and heroism, but the hug she immediately gives him after she frees him was so sweet it drove the nearby Pandiego to ask if they were quite done "counting each other's teeth with their tongues."
  • Sadlygrove, who mind you had just recently been stopped by his master from jumping into battle with Rushu after he absorbed all the Shushus to increase his power, asks Eva if maybe they should take the next few months off, just the two of them. The fact that Eva is apparently pregnant probably had something to do with it, though.