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Here's a page for the various WMG spawned by Gregg Landsmann's Fanfic Walking in the Shadow of Dreams.

Tropes used in Walking in the Shadow of Dreams/WMG include:

Rei's infrequent booty call buddy in the rewrite is non-other then a clone of Kaworu.[]

Think about it, Gregg has already said that the person Rei was sleeping with in college was an established Eva character, and who else is available but one of the dummy plug clones of Kaworu . . . and Kaji?

Ariel's Father is...[]

  • Kaworu
  • Shinji
  • Gendo
  • Rei
  • One of the Nu Ree
  • Lilith
  • ADAM
  • Zeruel
  • Arael
  • Yui Ikari
  • A First Ancestral Race
  • A duck
  • King Arthur
  • An alternate reality transgendered Asuka