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  • In the 1940s, there was a radio Sitcom titled Life With Luigi. This fellow Luigi was a recent immigrant to the US from Italy. Every single time this Luigi character encountered a Latin motto of any sort, he accepted without question the translation given by his local uneducated lout. Not once did it occur to him to ponder, "Gee, those Latin words are suspiciously similar to Italian words with which I am familiar, and they do not mean what he claims."
    • As an Italian, he's probably a Catholic, which should make him more familiar with Latin itself than the average American.
      • A pre-Vatican II Catholic, at that.
  • Adventures in Odyssey: The entire sports competition in the episode: "Connie Goes To Camp", first was the archery tournament, the boys win, but it was because Jimmy Barcley distracted Robyn Jacobs ("Hey, Robyn! You've got mud on your new t-shirt!") casing her to flub her shot. Instead of having her try again, or disqualifying Jimmy, everyone just goes through with it, the only thing anyone says is, from the boys' coach is that it was unsportsmanlike. Then there was the canoe competition, where the boys forget to tie their canoe from the dock, while the girls row to the finish. Do they demand a retry? Nope! They just go on to the last activity, an "Egg-In-The-Hat" relay race. (Which makes no sense, how does that even work? The hats are worn upside down? What hat can you wear upside down without it falling off??) The boys and the girls eggs all break, and what happens? "Nobody wins the competition between the boys and the girls!" Ok, you have got to be freaking kidding me, what person would end a game with a tie without a tiebreaker? That just blows my mind.
    • An earlier episode which introduced "KYDS Radio" had one that wasn't obvious unless you thought about it. So the episode involves a kid who is very interested in radios so he starts the station. During a montage of getting the station started, we hear a kid audition for a disk jockey. The kid has a strangely nasally voice.[1] A little while later when everything is going wrong, the radio kid is saying he left a kid named Benjamin in charge. "I thought Benjamin didn't want to be a disk jockey." Whit says. "He doesn't." Barry, the radio kid, replies. A moment later, we hear Benjamin...and it's the nasally voiced kid from earlier! The very one who wanted to be a disk jockey! It's an obvious continuity error, but it's a little jarring. For shame!

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