
Classic Disney Shorts[]

  • "The Band Concert", the first color Mickey Mouse cartoon, has a great running gag where ice-cream peddler Donald derails the band's "William Tell Overture" by playing "Turkey in the Straw" on a fife. Mickey keeps snatching the fife away and snapping it in two; Donald keeps producing another one from thin air and continuing. At one point the trombonist grabs Don by the neck with the horn's slide and shakes him violently, sending dozens of fifes flying from his person.
  • There's a lovely scene in "Mickey and the Beanstalk" where Mickey, Donald, and Goofy are eating dinner. It's a slice of a single bean and two thin slices of bread. Donald frowns at the sandwich when he looks at it vertical and we can see the bread is so thin as to be translucent, looks along its length, keeps frowning, and then completely loses it, yelling at the Narrator to "SHUT UP!"
  • Mickeys Fire Brigade - as Mickey, Donald, and Goofy fight a fire in an apartment building, they hear what sounds like a scream for help behind a door. When Goofy looks in through a transom window, it turns out to be Clarabelle Cow, oblivious to the fire, singing in the bathtub. She sees Goofy staring in at her and starts shrieking at the Peeping Tom. He tries to explain the situation, but is so flustered that he can't put three words together through his guffawing.
  • In "The Picnic", Mickey tries to salvage his picnic supplies when it starts raining and various animals (who've been raiding the picnic earlier) scurry out of the blanket, the basket and even the phonograph.

Buzz Lightyear of Star Command[]


Booster: But Buzz, that's against the rules! In the Star Command mission manual, it clearly states that no ranger is to go into action without backup! I think it's section six, subsection Delta.
Buzz: Actually, it's section six, subsection Gamma.
XR: He's right, big guy, subsection Delta's the dress code. Incidentally, why can't we have nose rings?!
Buzz: Because nose rings are for PUNKS, little mister!
Mira: Well, if you can take on Zurg alone, I don't see why XR can't get a nose ring.
XR: I was just asking a question, I'm not the one getting a nose ring!
Booster: Then... who's getting a nose ring? GASP! THAT's why Buzz wants to ditch us!
Buzz: I am NOT getting a nose ring! Nobody's getting a nose ring! IT'S AGAINST THE RULES!


"Zurg Tower. Note the giant gun on the roof."
"LGM Homeworld, under attack. (Obviously)."
"Zurg Tower. But you knew that."
"Space... duh."


Dr. Animus: *shows Buzz a slide* Now, tell me, vat do you see?
Buzz: Zurg.
Dr. Animus: *shows him another one* How about zis one?
Buzz: Zurg.
Dr. Animus: *shows him another slide* And zis one?
Buzz: Zurg.
Dr. Animus: *holds up a picture of Mira* How about zis, Buzz?
Buzz: That's Ranger Nova. She's happy - cause we got Zurg's pen!


Dave the Barbarian[]


Steve the Egg, Steve the Egg
How'd he wear pants without no legs?
Steve the Egg, Steve the Egg
He woke up next to sausages!

  • "Here's a fork, so you can EAT YOUR WORDS!!!"

House of Mouse[]

Tale Spin[]

  • Don Karnage's attempts to sneak the Iron Vulture past the cliff guns at the beginning of "Jumping the Gun".

Dumptruck: Can ve put our coats on, captain?
Don Karnage: What?! And ruin a perfect cover? I am in disguise; you are in disguise; the Iron Vulture is in disguise! Life is beautiful! Within moments, my love boat will sail right under those Cape Suzette guns. See how convincing you are, ladies? [points to a sailor sending them a message in Semaphore] You have brought the attention of a handsome young sailor.
Mad Dog: Uh, maybe he's trying to tell us something, captain.
Don Karnage: Nonsense! What could he possibly be trying to tell us?
[The Iron Vulture crashes into a rock, causing its disguise to fall apart. The gunners open fire.]
Don Karnage: Uh-oh... Retreat!
Dumptruck: Now can ve put our coats on, captain?


Teacher's Pet[]

  • Leonard defying Scott's playground rules in "Rule of Paw":

Leonard: Look! I'm skipping a step!
Scott: You fool! You'll kill us all!

    • "Then you leave me with even less choice than when I said I had no other choice!"
  • Pretty Boy's reaction when he sees Mr. Jolly's online password:

Pretty Boy: "Pretty kitty"? That's your password? You gotta be kiddin' me! "Pretty repulsive kitty" is more like it.


Timon and Pumbaa[]


Pumbaa: I don't think I like this song!!!




Narrator: You can do practically everything you normally do.
(The waltzing couple transition into dancing the jitterbug, their clothing changing appropriately.)
Narrator: Oh, come now! We said practically everything.
(Everything goes back to waltz abruptly.)
