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  • Crazy Awesome: Attacking a guild of assasins with a trash truck full of peanut-butter-smeard bomb-rats? Shooting a bullet so that it flies along a CIRCULAR WALL and kills everybody standing along it, including the shooter? Sloan's "X marks the spot" death from LITERALLY miles away during Wesley's "this is (not) me" lecture"?
  • Crowning Music of Awesome: Danny Elfman does the soundtrack, and even sings!
  • Fridge Logic: There's a gun that can shoot from around corners so you don't have to get out from behind cover. This initially seems very useful, except for the fact that the guy it's being used against can curve bullets around corners anyway.
  • Memetic Mutation: "Shoot THIS motherfucker!"
  • Nightmare Fuel: A garbage truck chock-freaking-full of the aforementioned exploding rats.
  • Straw Man Has a Point: Wesley's boss may be verbally abusive, incredibly obnoxious, and a poor manager, but she does have a point in that Wesley should perhaps be doing his job rather than surfing the internet.
  • Wangst: Everything until Angelina Jolie first appears. Fortunately, it's Played for Laughs.


  • Complete Monster: A lot of the villains are this, with Mr. Rictus as perhaps the most obvious example. Wesley himself becomes one by the end of the book; an amoral Jerkass who thinks nothing of comitting even the most heinous crimes.
  • Crosses the Line Twice:

  Wesley: "Can you believe I raped an A-list celebrity and it didn't even make the news? That's how deep The Fraternity goes, my friend."
