Stupid Jetpack Hitler: The Game
A PC Real Time Strategy game released in 2007 by Hungarian developer Digital Reality. The story utilises a What If scenario where Hitler gets assassinated earlier than usual, somehow allowing technology to advance ahead of schedule, and giving the Allies, Germans and Russians some frankly insane weapons ranging from tanks with freeze rays to pre-modern era stealth bombers to that very Humongous Mecha that you see proudly displayed on the cover.
Alright, put your hands down, let's not jump to conclusions: this game is actually more like Generals than Red Alert in all honesty, and for the uncanny resemblance, it has most certainly been criticised for that. There is one unique feature, though! You can hop into any defensive turret and control it in first person mode! could just allow the auto-aiming to do it for you and not rape your pc's graphics card to death with the choppy framerate.
Despite the derivative nature of this game, this is most certainly one RTS game that Needs More Love. The problem, however, is that if you're planning to run it on Windows Vista or 7, you're going to need a patch. But fret not! The ever-reliable Internet has you covered!
- Big Bad Duumvirate: The German Chancellor and Stalin.
- Cool Airship: The Germans have armored zeppelins equipped with two howitzers.
- Defector From Decadence: What the early part of the German campaign is about.
- Deflector Shield: The Allies' force field tank.
- Drill Tank: The Soviet Mole APC.
- The Federation: The Western Allies.
- Kill It with Fire: The jetpack infantry and their flamethrowers.
- Kill It with Ice: The Russian super weapon.
- Make Me Wanna Shout: The Sonic tanks.
- Mini-Mecha: The German Exoskeletons.
- Nuke'Em: The Allies super weapon.
- No Campaign for the Wicked: The games two campaigns focuses on the Allies, and the Germans who want to overthrow the Nazis, and both soon team up to fight the Russians who are the main bad guys.
- Soviet Superscience: With everything from liquid nitrogen bombs to drill tanks.
- Stupid Jetpack Hitler: Hitler's early death is part of the Alternate History, but otherwise this is a spot on example, with sonic tanks and actual jetpacks.
- Tank Goodness: All kinds, from liquid nitrogen tanks to German superheavies to the five turret Kharakov Rampager.
- The Vamp: Nadia.