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  • After the English (Collin) and German (Peter) soldiers meet in no-man's-land, Collin tries to compliment Peter's English:

 Collin: You speak good English.

Peter: I speak English well.

    • From the same scene, after a coin flip: "I see the face of my Kaiser. He is not pleased with me right now."
    • Also, the response Peter gets when he asks for more wire cutters.
    • In the play version, they don't even speak a common language, so they stumble and pantomime through the scene, which is capped off with the allied soldier proclaiming (quite passionately) that: "There would be a lot less cryin' widows in the world if blokes would just talk to each other like you and I have!" The german soldier is very confused, and simply extends his hand and gives his name as Manfred. To which the allied soldier responds: "Same to you!"
  • The comparison between Italian food and Italian women.
  • The French girl trying to teach Joey to leap.
  • The goose trying to get in the house at every opportunity.
  • The English and Germans in their respective trenches - both sides trying to call Joey to them before they realize he is tangled up in barbed wire.

 English soldier: How do you call a horse?

Another English soldier: *begins clicking his teeth*

Entire English line: *begin clicking their teeth*

German soldiers: *look at each other in confusion*
