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  • The Ferry scene and the chaos of the refugees turning against each other.
  • The scene with Dakota Fanning at the river, where we see bodies upon bodies slowly floating..
  • It was the flaming train scene.
    • What makes it even scarier is just beforehand Rachel says 'Looks like the power's still on here.' Imagine what would've happened if it wasn't and the train crossing bars didn't go down.
  • Ray killing Ogilvy. First he covers Rachel's eyes with a blindfold, telling her to sing her favorite lullaby to herself. As she starts to sing, he takes her hands and covers her ears with them... then walks into the other room and the door falls closed. We don't have to see what he does in there- we just know that Ogilvy is dead.
  • The scene where Ray and Rachel are captured by a Tripod, and and put into a holding cage with a bunch of other people sobbing and screaming.