Warbears is a Flash game devised by Gionatan Iasio in which the player controls the four titular Warbears, a squad of crime-fighting, walking, talking, clothes-wearing polar bears in three different missions plus one Adventure and a Puzzle Mission. The game has its own website, here, where you can set up your own player in Bedtime City and chat with others on the forum.
This series includes examples of:[]
- Ambiguously Gay - Kla, all the way.
- Balloon Belly - Kla in An A.R. X-Mas. You have to look closely to see it.
- Big Bad - The Groundhog Commander in Mission 1 who later returns in between Missions 2 and 3.
- Big Eater - Kla, evidently.
- Christmas Episode - An A.R. X-Mas.
- Color Coded for Your Convenience - Ryoh = blue, Steve = green, Lucas = purple, Kla = orange.
- Cool Loser - Kla.
- Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass - Kla kills a Groundhog in Mission 1 by slipping a photocopy of his face under the door. The Groundhog proceeds to ram down the door and (only if you do this right) run out the window.
- Ensemble Darkhorse - Both Lucas and the Commander qualify for this trope.
- As well as Steve.
- Everything's Better with Penguins - The penguins that appear in Mission 2 and in An A.R. X-Mas.
- Geek / Nerd - Kla.
- Gratuitous Japanese - Ryoh.
- Heterosexual Life Partners - Steve and Lucas.
- Informed Attribute - Ryoh mentions in Mission 2 that he can tie a knot with one hand.
- Instant Awesome Just Add Ninja - Ryoh.
- Jerkass - Steve.
- Kill It with Fire / Stuff Blowing Up - Lucas' trademark.
- Kill It with Ice - This is how you get by a bunch of Groundhogs guarding the underground vault in Mission 1.
- Kill'Em All- The objective of the first game is to kill all the Groundhogs attacking Sleepytime Bank.
- Nice Hat - Lucas, Ryoh and the Commander.
- Oh Crap - The commander gets this look on his face when one (or more) of the agents die in mission 3.
- Police Are Useless - “We tried nothing...and it didn't work!”
- Tastes Like Chicken - "It tastes like the chicken I had yesterday."
- Ew. Double Ew because it was green paintball ammo that was splattered in his face. What the hell was that stuff made from anyway?!
- Too Dumb to Live - The Groundhogs. Playing as Ryoh in Mission 1 you can get one of them to hand a key over to you, voluntarily... until he realizes you're a Warbear. Makes you wonder just how bad their eyesight is.
- And, you know, not noticing a Ryoh parachuting onto the roof not three metres away from them... even when they get nearly covered up by the loose parachute.
- Or the Fish Minions. Yes, they're about as daft as they sound.
- Trademark Favorite Food - Warbeer for Steve.
- Unfortunate Implications - The good guys are the Warbears who have white fur. The bad guys are the Groundhogs who have brown fur. Yeah.
- Unpopular Popular Character - Steve.
- Viewer Gender Confusion - 80% of the time, Kla is mistaken for a girl, mostly because of his lack of Tertiary Sexual Characteristics.
- What Measure Is a Non-Badass? - The main reason why the fanbase doesn't like Kla.
- Why Did It Have To Be Spiders? - Ryoh's Weaksauce Weakness.