- Big Bad: The Base Commander
- Brought Down to Normal: Zero, at the beginning of the game.
New Objective: Recover Ability. You don't stand a chance without your powers. |
- Cannibalism Superpower: Zero, with other aliens. Technically, he's just absorbing their power sources, but it's played like this.
- Cute Is Evil: Zero (if the player takes the kill em' all approach)
- Conspicuously Selective Perception: The guards are not the most perceptive, though they are reasonably quick shots.
- Deflector Shield: The "liquid energy" shields
- Death Course: Lampshaded by the commander when he berates his minions:
"I told you to design a death trap, not an obstacle course!" |
- Driven to Madness: Another one of the alien captives
- Force Field Door
- Humans Are Bastards
- Kill'Em All: One way to deal with your captors
- Kill It with Water: A puddle of water disrupts Zero's powers, a pool is instant death.
- Mad Scientist
- Mass Teleportation
- Mood Dissonance: On the one hand, the cute design of the protagonist and some silly mad scientist tropes. On the other hand, extreme violence played straight.
- Not-So-Harmless Villain: "Little guy seems harmless enough."
- Pacifist Run: One possible play style.
- Although there is a "buffer" in place for accidental kills; the player can kill up to six people without losing the "Cuddles" achievement.
- Stealth Based Game
- Tele Frag: Zero's primary attack
- Underwater Base
- Weak Turret Gun
- You Bastard: The "Consequences" ending is basically this, towards the player.