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WELCOME, ladies, gentlemen, and tropers, to Darth Wiki's Favorite Game Show...

WARP... THAT... AESOP!!!!!

(Catchy Theme Song plays)

Hello! Hello! How are you all doing today? How are the kids?

All right, you all know how to play the game! Contestants will take a piece of media... and, through a number of deliberate misunderstandings, a few Alternate Character Interpretations, taking some things out of context, assuming that everything presented was meant to be taken as instructional and serious, and reading in more than a little Fanon, make it seem like the creators were attempting to deliver a terrible, terrible message to the kids at matter how utterly off-base it is! Whining costs twenty million points.

But before we begin, let's go over the one rule of the game. Read the above paragraph before adding a example. This isn't Headscratchers with a sarcastic tone!. This page is Just for Fun. Complaining About Shows You Don't Like, serious attempts at finding a Family-Unfriendly Aesop, and Real Life examples will be purged.

And whatever you do, don't change the channel to Sugar Wiki for Sweeten That Aesop.

First to 10,000 points gets an extra life[1], a copy of our Home Game, and Rice-A-Roni, the San Francisco treat!

Round One! Ready.... GO!


  • Warp That Aesop: It's okay to distort the truth and promote bad morality if it entertains you.
  • TV Tropes in general: Analyzing TV shows is an addiction that will ruin your life, but go ahead and do it anyway.
  • Darth Wiki : Ruining your eyesight and being snarky go hand in hand.


  1. to replace the one you ruined