- Base Breaker: Ashfur after Long Shadows. Was what he did reasonable or not? Probably not a good idea to ask.
- Draco in Leather Pants: While no one has been able to agree whether Ashfur's actions were justifiable or not, he certainly isn't the innocent angel that many fans paint him as.
- Ensemble Darkhorse: Purdy, Icecloud, Flametail and Fallen Leaves.
- It Was His Sled: Hollyleaf dies (Not really). And she isn't the third either.
- Magnificent Bastard: Sol.
- Ron the Death Eater: Many fans consider Squirrelflight to be a selfish bitch for the sole reason that she dumped Ashfur.
- Seasonal Rot: Generally considered to be the worst of the arcs.
- The Woobie: All three heroes.