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File:220px-Wasabi 5233.jpg

Wasabi Is a 2001 French-made action movie directed by Gérard Krawczyk, written and produced by Luc Besson (Creator of The Fifth Element and Léon: The Professional) and starring Jean Reno, Michel Muller and Ryōko Hirosue. In France it was released as Wasabi, la petite moutarde qui monte au nez ("Wasabi, the little mustard that gets right up your nose").

Cowboy Commissaire Hubert Fiorentini is, in his words, an average 47-year old dude who wouldn't hurt a fly. Unless said fly is a criminal. He's a damn good, if unorthodox cop, plays golf on weekends and has an attractive woman pursuing a relationship with him. But he can't get his old flame out of his head: Japanese government agent Miko, who he hasn't seen in 20 19 years. Everyone he knows is telling him it's time to move on.

One day Hubert receives a call from Miko's lawyer informing him of her death. He's invited to Japan for the reading of her will, as he's the only one she's left anything. When he gets there, he discovers two things. One, he has a 19-year old daughter by Miko, the fiery and independant Yumi. Two, Miko didn't die of natural causes. With the help of his Old Friend Momo, who still works in Japan for French Intelligence, Hubert must protect his daughter from some nasty Yakuza types while unraveling a series of clues Miko left to help Hubert find the truth.

Wasabi provides examples of:[]


   Hubert:Oh no.
