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Rorshach's journal, October 12th, 1985 —Excerpt from Rorschach's Journal, October 12, 1985
"I shall go and tell the indestructible man that someone plans to murder him." —Rorschach
"Please! Don't all leave... Somebody has to do it, don't you see? Somebody has to save the world..." —Captain Metropolis
"Stood in firelight, sweltering. Bloodstain on chest like map of violent new continent. Felt cleansed. Felt dark planet turn under my feet and knew what cats know that makes them scream like babies in night." —Rorschach
"I looked at the Rorschach blot. I tried to pretend it looked like a spreading tree, shadows pooled beneath it, but it didn't. It looked more like a dead cat I once found, the fat, glistening grubs writhing blindly, squirming over each other, frantically tunneling away from the light. But even that is avoiding the real horror. The horror is this: In the end, it is simply a picture of empty meaningless blackness. We are alone. There is nothing else." —Dr. Malcolm Long
"None of you understand. I'm not locked up in here with you. You're locked up in here with me." —Rorschach
Laurie Juspeczyk: "Is that what you are? The most powerful thing in the universe and you're just a puppet following a script?" |
"In each human coupling, a thousand million sperm vie for a single egg. Multiply those odds by countless generations, against the odds of your ancestors being alive, meeting, siring this precise son, that precise daughter [...] to distill so specific a form from that chaos of improbability, like turning air to gold... that is the crowning unlikelihood. The thermodynamic miracle. [...] Come, dry your eyes, for you are life, rarer than a quark and unpredictable beyond the dreams of Heisenberg."
—Dr. Manhattan
"I'm not a Republic serial villain. Do you seriously think I'd explain my master-stroke if there remained the slightest chance of you affecting its outcome? I did it thirty-five minutes ago."
—Adrian Veidt
"No. Not even in the face of armageddon. Never compromise." —Rorschach
Adrian Veidt: I did the right thing, didn't I? It all worked out in the end. |