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  • Dawson Casting: Considering UK laws on child filming and the fact that the pupils are a major part of the show, it's pretty much a given.
    • A possible Lampshade Hanging in the third season when a teacher successfully passes herself off as a student for a football match.
    • Taken to the extreme with the casting of 28 year old Roxanne Pallett as a 17 year old. [1]
  • Fake Nationality: Francesca Montoya is played by an Indian actress of British extraction, born in India.
  • Hey, It's That Guy!: Several, namely:
  • Reality Subtext: A few times.
  • Real Life Relative: Steph and Dave the security guard are played by actors who are married to each other in real life.
  • You Look Familiar: Daniella Denby-Ashe played an incompetent substitute teacher in one episode and returned at the end of Series 7 in a full time role as businesswoman Lorraine Donnegan.