A Treatise of Schemes and Tropes This a Useful Notes page. A Treatise of Schemes and Tropes

"I'm trying so hard to justify this technology that I'm writing an entirely new story in my head! All because it hurts my head to imagine that someone sat down and said "It's the future and people can make computer windows with their mind!" and no one in the room raised their hands and asked them "How?" "

Digibro, (Watsonian side) on the "hologram browser technology", The Asterisk War Sucks (Part 6) OR, How To Screw Up A Sci-fi Setting


"Why the hologram browsers? Because Sword Art Online made us used to it, so we wouldn't question them elsewhere. Why use them so much? Because you can have characters exposit to one another every four minutes, and shove flashy visuals in the frame without having to creatively come up with an interesting scene."

TheDavoo, (Doylist side) comment on the video above, which he edited.


Q: Why can’t Yan-chan summon demons in the newest [January 2016] build?
A: Because the game isn’t done yet.
