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  • Breather Level - The graveyard is the easiest area in the game. Up to you whether you start slow or use it to catch your breath.
    • Puzzle-wise, it's a piece of cake. If you're not comfortable with the combat system, though, it's a Goddamn nightmare. Better yet, if you don't know exactly where you're going and wander for too long, the game will start sending one zombie after another at you until you run out of life. So yeah, the easiest area is still very hard.
  • Crowning Music of Awesome - Wax Works features some music that does a great job of unsettling the hell out of you. One of the catchiest themes is actually a game over theme for the Victorian London level.
  • Paranoia Fuel - You're in the Victorian era with the sole purpose of trying to find and kill Jack The Ripper, who is considered a plague upon London. Surely you can expect some support? Forget it - everyone thinks that YOU are the Ripper. The police officers will have you convicted and executed via hanging, the group of people out to get The Ripper will beat your skull open, and your own twin brother will do to you what he does best. There are a handful of people who won't try to kill you, but they're pretty sparse.
  • Nausea Fuel - Many of the game over screens are absolutely disgusting. Try getting killed by the mutant who whips you with its tongue, for example. Or better yet, don't.
  • Narm - Not even this game is safe from it. The snake death in the pyramid is very freaky, and the game over screen depicts you with several bleeding fang marks and snakes slithering on top of you. However, it looses some of its disturbing nature simply because one of the snakes appears to have a big goofy grin on his face that's frankly kind of adorable.
    • In the death scene in the Ripper Waxwork where the angry mob catches you, your character's battered body appears to have a boner. No wonder they thought you were guilty!