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OreTachiNiTsubasaWaNai 5005

We Without Wings (俺たちに翼はない, Oretachi ni Tsubasa wa Nai), taglined Under the innocent sky., starts in Yanagihara City, where three stories playing out in parallel. The first is Takashi Haneda, who has to deal with his little sister Kobato and Asuka Watarai, his girlfriend...maybe, all while dreaming of a fantasy land called Gretagard. The second is Shusuke Chitose, a freeter who's pals with Karuo Karube, the bartender at Alexander, a restaurant where he's in an unsteady relationship with a fellow employee, Hiyoko Tamaizumi. The third is Hayato Narita, who's captured the attention of Naru Ootori, younger sister of his acquaintance Kakeru, who's looking for her bike. What do these three have in common? Overseen by the mysterious DJ Condor, a story begins.

Originally a Visual Novel by Navel (SHUFFLE!, Soul Link), Ore-tachi ni Tsubasa wa Nai (We Don't Have Wings), was adapted into an anime in spring 2011.

The anime can be legally viewed at Crunchyroll here.

Tropes used in We Without Wings include:
  • Alliteration: The official English title is We, Without Wings.
  • Alice Allusion/Down the Rabbit Hole: The Alice of this series is an Elegant Gothic Lolita trying to learn Japanese with a Token Black as her parental figure.
  • All Just a Dream: It is revealed that the Gretagard sequences are this. You could consider the "Castle in the Sky" as one, but there's a special reason why it applies.
  • Anime Accent Absence: Averted since a few characters have heavy accents.
  • Antenna Hair: All four of the main girls.
  • Art Shift: Occasionally, episodes will transition to a different art style than the one shown, most often a still of the background in Deliberately Monochrome. Episode 12 runs with this, but applies High Octane Nightmare Fuel to crayon drawings.
  • Ax Crazy: Garuda Darkblack, also known as Itami Karura. He's the fourth personality.
  • Badass Bystander: Hayato is this compared to the two groups fighting each other.
  • Bandage Dude: Itami wears one because Kakeru sees Itami as Falcon aka Hayato.
  • Black Dude Dies First: Averted with Martinez, Hayato's friend. He's also not the first person to get shot either, although he's the only one with a serious enough wound to be taken away by an ambulance. He survives the shooting, and can be seen in later episodes doing okay.
  • Book Ends: The first omake has the main girls in love with the main character, all trying to grab his interest. The ending shows all of the same girls falling for the Haneda's personalities. It's the exact same animation, but with slightly different dialogue.
  • Cast of Snowflakes: There are a lot of named characters. In fact, the OP shows off every major character.
  • Catch Phrase: May peace prevail in the world. Turns into a Madness Mantra when Hayato gets a Grand Theft Me courtesy of Itami Karura.
  • Censor Box: Done as a "'Caution!"' tape rolling across the screen to cover up everything most[1] of the time.
  • The Chew Toy: Despite being the Badass of the three personalities, something always happens to Hayato.
  • Clingy Jealous Girl: Asuka is one after finding out that Haneda has three personalities as seen in the 10th episode.
    • Most of the major girls display hints of this as well throughout the series.
  • Close-Call Haircut: Naru Otori experiences this when the guy Hayato confronted at the cafe shot the both of them.
  • The Comically Serious: KARURA
  • Crowning Music of Awesome: The OST and the theme songs of the intellectual property are well put together and very enjoyable, especially the opening of the visual novel, Jewelry Tears, as well as the opening to the anime, Spread Wings (1:30 cut) (Full song).
  • Cute Shotaro Boy: Haneda Youji, who Itami Karura addresses as "dad", who has been sitting away from any action for a long time due to his Angst Coma.
  • Dark and Troubled Past: The Reveal in Episode 12. This trope along with the acute lack of fan service is what sets this episode apart from all of the others.
  • Deadpan Snarker: Hayato can only just snark at the Fan Service unloaded at him.
  • Defeat Means Friendship: When Hayato puts the beat down on Bishop, some of his former gang members decide to help him out finding Naru's missing bike.
  • Dirty Old Man: The bartender. Younger than most examples but still qualifies.
  • Does This Remind You of Anything?: Played for ridiculously awesome laughs when we are are shown Shuusuke's wound being taken care of by Hiyoko. We are only shown a small area, and every time she's healing his wound, the anime focuses on it with a special animation and a subtitle declaring This may or may not be a wound. and Shuusuke blushing and groaning as if he was having sex.
  • Dogged Nice Guy: Takashi
  • Earn Your Happy Ending: And how. The first few episodes seem disjointed and confusing, but if you can manage to get through them, it starts to make sense.
  • Elegant Gothic Lolita/Alice Allusion: Alice.
  • Evil Laugh: Itami Karura shares this with Kakeru. "You're the best, amigo."
  • Fictional Counterpart: Wing Quest is a fairly obvious pastiche of Dragon Quest.
    • This trope is apparently as accurate as you can get when comparing the dream world and it's real counterpart Wing Quest. All of the dreams are fake, since they were based on the game Haneda played as a child, and translated to one of his personalities.
  • Fish Out of Temporal Water: Karura thinking that he can interact with a snowman promptly beats it up!
  • Five Lines, Overflow: By reading the description at the top, you would assume that all of these "timelines" are all separate from each other, which they are. That's not the point here: all of the timelines are done at different points of the same day, by the same person. That "Gretagard" sequence, however, is fake.
  • Gainaxing: You can average the times the anime does this to around 1 Misty May per minute.
  • Genki Girl: Naru, and Miyako at times.
  • Genre Busting/Widget Series: It gets hard to classify this after Episode 4. Episode 7 shoves that in a cake and throws it out the window. Episode 12 is completely different from everything else.
  • Gratuitous English <-> Gratuitous Japanese: One of the rare justifications for both tropes. Alice is trying to learn Japanese, but, as noted by Hayato, her grammar is still off. Over the course of the anime, she improves.
  • Heroic BSOD: Takashi after finding out that Gretagard doesn't exist. This leads him into an Angst Coma and it takes Asuka to beat it out of him. While the three other personalities including Karura get beaten up!
  • Omake: The two minutes of pre-credits action is not part of the main story; each one is a completely different genre of anime. That does not mean the omakes aren't important, since they act as Foils to the main story.
  • Panty Shot: It can be distracting at times.
  • Pool Scene: That serves no other purpose other than Fan Service.
  • The Reveal: Gretagard was a place on an old video game named Wing Quest.
  • Rule of Symbolism: The use of TVs to change the channel. The constant hints of parallel lives. The numerous allusions to birds.
  • Serious Business: Karura takes stuff way too seriously
  • Shout-Out: DJ Condor: UNIVERRRRRRRRS-*cut off*
    • There seem to be several Gundam shout-outs throughout the series.
      • Episode 10 had Karuo do a Newtype Flash in the style of UC Gundam as he communicated, (Telepathically) with Eriko, who herself did one in the style of a Gundam X Newtype.
      • Episode 11 has what can be seen as a Love-Love Colony Drop.
    • Before going Motor Mouth, Miyako is a lot more like Yuki Nagato.
    • The use of televisions appears inspired by Persona 4.
  • Shrinking Violet: Kobato has some shades of this.
  • Split Personality: Takashi, Shusuke and Hayato are revealed to be the same person. There are also hints of a fourth one as well. Said fourth is crazy.
    • The anime does a fairly decent job hiding this fact. While everyone in the show saw the same person, viewers see what appears to be different characters, which makes sense because each split personality would view themselves differently. There are clues sprinkled throughout the anime that hints at this, such as when Shuusuke gets hit in the back of the head with a chair, and then both Takashi and Hayato have the same exact wounds later on.
    • Talking to Themself: The three personalities are aware of each other, and if necessary they meet in some Pocket Dimension that resembles a church. And it seems they work in specific shifts according to the one and only conversation two of them have had so far. They also refer to their host body as a "cockpit".
    • And if the opening is to be believed, the five personalities aren't exactly the only ones who exhibit this trope.
  • Spoiler Opening: Why there are five people shown on the TV sets.
  • Theme Naming: Birds are the motif in this show, in names, titles, everything.
  • Title Drop: Dropped by Takashi in episode 8. And then repeatedly in 11 and 12.
  • Tomato Surprise: The fifth personality, Haneda Youji, is the original personality of the "cockpit", who was in a Angst Coma (in the form of the place with the TV) since the death of his mother. The others were "created" so that Kobato could be cared for.
  • Tsundere: Asuka, who's not afraid to beat up Takashi or his split personality counterparts.
  • Updated Rerelease: Oretachi ni Tsubasa wa Nai R, which adds two new routes and a couple new CGs.
  • X Meets Y: Gender bended Change 123 with an Unwanted Harem.
  • What Do You Mean It's Not Awesome?: R2001 of the YFB has raps for his normal speech.
    • Throwing cakes on the streets! Double points for Karura actually declaring that it's war!
    • Explaining what an Imouto Moe is has never been as Serious Business as this.
  • White-Haired Pretty Boy: In the opening, you see one guy named Itami Karura in the TV sets while Kobato is looking for someone. He's designated as #2.
  • Wouldn't Hit a Girl: Takashi, and his split personalities, which unfortunately means he won't stop the beat down that Asuka is giving him.
  1. read as 70-80 percent