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  • Acceptable Lifestyle Targets: Hippies in the early song "Hippie Smell". Interesting in retrospect because 1) their live performances eventually started to make them somewhat popular with fans of jam bands, and 2) they also have "So Long Jerry", a completely sincere tribute to Jerry Garcia.
  • Non Sequitur Scene: Can all of their music be this?
    • However, Transdermal Celebration, as well as some other songs they came out with as they grew the beard, don't really count.
    • Some albums, like The Pod, are so full of noise and weird that when a nice, pleasant, normal song comes along, it comes across as a BLAM.
    • The song "Don't Laugh (I Love You)" is, for the most part, a silly love song with slightly unconventional lyrics. And then there's this completely inexplicable bridge:

Ernest Hemingway would always be there for me
But now Ernest Hemingway is dead

  • Big Name Fan: Henry Rollins has expressed a fondness for the band and Aphex Twin said that, despite hating rock music, he enjoys Ween, citing Pure Guava as his favorite album by them.
  • Crowning Moment of Funny: So, so many.
    • The At the Cat's Cradle DVD performance of "The Going Gets Tough from the Getgo" has a couple. For one, there's Gener's priceless facial expressions after flubbing the lyrics by trying to begin the verse instead of repeating the chorus, a mistake he makes several times in a row. More amusingly, though, there's Dean Ween's ad-libbed line that comes completely out of left field: "Stick it between my titties, Gener, and make me cum!"
  • Epic Riff: Several.
  • Growing the Beard: Whether you prefer their early "brown" albums, Chocolate and Cheese and beyond, or all of it, their early independent albums they recorded as teens are universally regarded as worse than their major label releases.
  • Nightmare Fuel:
    • The Pod is easily the most bizarre album by them by far. While it has its humor, it gets lost in the sludgy quality. Making some vocals sound monstrous like in "The Stallion (Pt. 1)" and having this forboding feel in certain parts of the songs. For an example the song “Laura” is a song apparently about a man on the edge of suicide from a breakup. The song ends with a very trippy guitar solo of some sorts. Needless to say, because of the known illness the duo were in during the making of this album, this album does fit the mood of feeling like crap......with drugs.
    • "Mourning Glory". Just... "Mourning Glory". Even worse? This hell is could be the song, that played in credits of SpongeBob SquarePants first film. But it was replaced by "Ocean Man" due of poor testing, what wasn't the big surprise.
  • Older Than They Think: The vocals in "Push th' Little Daisies" - especially during the last verse - are sometimes described as an Eric Cartman impression despite the song being recorded years before the first episode of South Park aired.
  • Asgf rt gf dfg ddret edrrhhj: Gert ewrew iu eiuhy hkj ljkl lkrls jkhfs, hl hh sdf lsdfsf sfjuouf yerty rtywert etwqerttyr qweerwr uii.
  • True Art Is Offensive: In addition to their usual harsh language, "Pumpin' 4 the Man" uses the homophobic slur, "faggot." "Spinal Meningitis (Got Me Down)" is sung from the perspective of a toddler (complete with high pitched baby voice) getting diagnosed with the fatal disease. "The HIV Song" is also a rather uplifting song given the subject matter (though it doesn't make fun of people diagnosed with it or anything; the only lyrics are "AIDS" and "HIV"), among other examples.