Weird U.S. began as a local magazine Weird New Jersey, which reported on the weird things that occur in the Garden State--from peculiar road signs, Haunted Houses, Cursed villages, Cryptozoology, street art, museums, in/famous people who live/d there. Literally, anything.
They eventually compiled the better stories into a book entitled Weird New Jersey, of which there is now a second volume.
Then they thought: "Hey, there's 49 Other States!" and began publishing Travel Logs on the weird places you can go in the United States.
In addition to the book, there is a Weird US website.
Tropes used in Weird U.S. include:
- Real Life: The places. Every Haunted House, Mystery Tunnel and Strange Artifact.
- Urban Legend: What the series chronicles, in more detail and more fun than any publication this troper has seen.
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