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The characters' clans in the Masquerade LARP:[]

  • Joel & Mark: Ventrue.
  • Abby: Gangrel.
  • Talking Guy: Malkavian.
    • could also be Caitiff
  • Sarah: Lasombra Antitribu.
  • Dustin: Toreador

Mark is immune to the Anti-Geek weapons[]

  • Joel suggested that it was because Mark was more normal than the rest of the group that he was having trouble transforming at will. This will come into play later when Mark fights the hunters.

The unnamed sergeant from Omega Squad will become a main character after making a Heel Face Turn[]

  • He read some comic books, so he might be at least a bit geeky. Realizing his blunder makes him next on his leader's list, he intends to ask refuge to the Resistance and may be one of the most effectives geeks on the battlefield.