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- This exchange from Soul Eater, just as Crona is forgiven by Death for furthering the madness that was in Stein. Granted, this series has a lot after the halfway point.
Nygas: Medusa. Just what are you doing here? |
- Haruhi Suzumiya: "...that's why I'm going to kill you and see how Miss Suzumiya reacts!"
- Vol.7: "Is this what you are looking for?" [1]
- Code Geass has a lot.
- Episode 16:
Mao: (to Suzaku) Get your hands off of me, father-killer! |
- R2 Episode 5:
Nunnally: Hello? Big brother? Lelouch, is that you. It's me, Nunnally; Can you hear me? I'm coming over there to Area 11 to be the viceroy. Um, is there something wrong? Lelouch, it's Nunnally, your sister! |
- R2 Episode 18:
Lelouch: Could that be the weapon Suzaku was talking about? ...Nunnally! |
- R2 Episode 22
Nunnally: Listen well, Lelouch and Suzaku. I declare...you're my enemies from now on. |
- R2 Episode 24
Nunnally: That's why...I won't close my eyes any longer! (Cue dramatic music change as Nunnally opens her eyes) |
- Re:
Lelouch: Suzaku, you will kill me. |
- "Makoto...Have you been time-leaping?"
- And then soon after: "Would you laugh if I told you I'm from the future?
- Mahou Sensei Negima
- "You may call me a puppet, but the reality is you too are a sad and pitiful puppet, and puppets cannot oppose or defy the puppet master."
- Another one from 324 spoken by Ku-Nel Sanders: "The one who sleeps there, is the Mage of Beginning: The "Lifemaker"
- Great Mazinger:
Kenzo: "He’s crying. My son is…My son…! Kouji Kabuto…!" |
- Gun X Sword: "Have you seen a man with a claw? Maybe with a young boy?" "Why, yes. He's right over there."
- Muhyo and Roji: "This is what we've been waiting for." Spoken by Enchu and Rio, together.
- Fullmetal Alchemist:
- Chapter 104, what Father says summarizes the situation the best:
Father: "For me to imprison God within my body required enormous energy. And the citizens of this country provided it for me." |
- Also, two chapters previously...
Roy Mustang: "I...can't see." |
- Even before that: "He's the son of some distant relative of my husband."
- And before any of these:
Bradley: "Just as you have the Ultimate Shield...I have the Ultimate Eye." |
- Chapter 97, after it was thought that Wrath was dealt with...
Bradley: Hello everyone. I see that everything has gotten quite out of hand during my absence. I am coming to personally take back control of my country, and put down this coup. |
- Death Note, in the English translation, sets the record for wham-to-letter ratio with the line "I am L" spoken by L to Light, in person.
- D Gray Man: "What if I told you you'd have to kill someone you love when you become the 14th?" Cross to Allen, with a Crowning Moment of Heartwarming hug thrown in too. And from a Jerkass no less.
- Later on, a seemingly filler arc becomes suddenly dark with two words that have never been so terrifying: "Good Morning."
- Naruto:
- And maybe the biggest one of all in Chapter 397.
Sasuke: "Why would Itachi do such a thing?" |
- And one chapter later.
Madara: "But he was ordered to do so by Konoha." |
- In Ch 499:
Kushina: "I... was the Kyuubi's previous host..." |
- Even Chapter 1 has a line that changes Naruto's understanding of his past and the course of his entire life.
Naruto: "What...was the decree? What?" |
- Chapter 437 featured a HUGE one for Naruto:
Hinata: "I'm not afraid to risk my life for you... because I love you." |
- A minor one, but still pretty funny:
Haku: "Oh, and by the way, I'm a boy." |
- Arguably Durarara episode 11:
Mikado: I have neither the power nor wisdom to oppose a foe who won't listen to reason. You won't even give me time to try. And so...I'll rely on numbers! |
- From episode 10: I have all the pawns I need
- Also, in the graphic novel when Simon suddenly punches Izaya in the face and says: Have you ever killed people? I have.
- From episode 10: I have all the pawns I need
- Grave of the Fireflies: After returning from buying food, Seita comes back to a severely ill Setsuko who is delusional and weak. He gives her something to eat and makes dinner, bringing hope that Setsuko would recover. Then, after Seita leaves the scene, leaving Setsuko to lie there with a hunk of melon you think she'd wolf down, he voices over the line: "She never woke up". After that... you pretty much know what happened.
- Tegami Bachi
Zaji: Your delivery is just as good as the record holder. And seeing how Gauche Suede isn't a Bee anymore, you're pretty much at the top. |
- Much later, Lag figures out what exactly is wrong with Gauche.
Lag: You're Noir! |
Aizen: I'm sorry. You must have been worried. I'm really sorry. I'm sorry for hurting you so much. There was something I had to do. Thank you, Hinamori. Thank you so much. Goodbye. |
- Chapter 147: Vice-Captain Hisagi looks like he's defeated Fifth Seat Ayasegawa and lectures Yumichika that he should give up because there's no possible way for a fifth seat to defeat a vice-captain and dying in such a pointless fashion would be a terrible death for a member of the battle-loving 11th division. If Yumichika didn't hit the Wham! Line quota with his reveal that he's only such a low seat by choice, his reveal that he's also hiding the truth about his zanpakuto surely does.
Yumichika: "What I show you now is completely confidential. Take a peek at the true power of my zanpakuto!" |
- Another one from Aizen, explaining that he didn't pull a Face Heel Turn. He was Evil All Along.
Aizen: "The Aizen you knew...never even existed." |
- Gin as well in Chapter 414, who of all people actually pulls it on Aizen.
- Also:
- As well as:
Ichigo: "Will they go back to the way they were if we were to kill Tsukishima?!" |
- When Ishida finally rejoins the battle, two lines in a row:
Ishida: The one who cut me...is [Ginjou] standing behind you! |
- And now in 477, courtesy of Tsukishima:
Tsukishima: DON'T DIE!! DON'T DIE, GINJOU!!! GINJOU!!! |
- Chapter 484 gives us this
Sasakibe:The.. There is...There is something i need to tell you... The... they can... BANKAI! |
- Technically, this could mean that they can negate Bankai, as Ivan was attempting on Ichigo.
- Chapter 485 gives this:.
Yuki: The First Division's Vice Captain Chojiro Sasakibe...died. |
- This being in a series that, throughout numerous nearly-hopeless battles against supreme evils, stabbings through the chest, etc., no (good) captain or vice-captain has ever died until now.
- Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha
Precia: I'll put an end to everything. To all the time this girl was deprived of when I lost her.. and also to the doll I created to play as my daughter. |
- "You want to know something nice? Ever since I made you...every single moment...I've despised you."
- Bakuman。 Chapter 100: "PCP isn't going to get an anime."
- Chapter 76: "I WANT TO QUIT TANTO!"
- In Chapter 46, Azuki tells Mashiro that she’ll hate him if he doesn’t take time off work until he’s discharged from the hospital, but Mashiro, not believing her, refuses. She then apologizes and says "I've been in love with you for eight years, so how could I hate you?", which surprises him, as it is the first time he learns that she had always loved him.
- Chapter 150: "Well, you could say it's my last act of selfishness as editor in chief"
- Chapter 164: "Congratulations. On Tuesday, September 1st at 4, the anime for REVERSI will start."
- Fate Stay Night (manga): "What a disappointment though. I expected more from Kiritsugu Emiya's successor."
- This dialogue.
Shinji: Rider... you saved me? |
- Darker Than Black Season 2: "My Suou is dead!"
- Panty and Stocking With Garterbelt
Stocking: "Do you think they work on angels?" |
- School Days, final episode: Makoto has received a text message on his cellphone which just says "sorry", followed by a whole bunch of empty lines that scroll down, leading up to one word: "Sayonara." Cue serious Oh Crap.
- The manga does this in spectacular fashion in the last chapter.
Makoto: "Sekai! Kotonoha's..." |
Kyubey (Episode 6): "You people are all the same. I don't get it. Why do you people care so much where your souls are?" |
- Kyubey gets a lot of these. Practically every episode after the third has at least one Wham! Line from Kyubey.
- Casshern Sins episode 12: Braiking Boss gives off a Wham! Line so hard that it sends Casshern into a Heroic BSOD.
Braiking Boss: I was the one who gave the order...to kill Luna. |
- Ore Imo manga, chapter 25: "I'M... DEEPLY IN LOVE WITH MY SISTERRRRRR!!!" If you've read the novel or seen the anime, you'll know that things are cleared up, but since the manga chapter ends on a Cliff Hanger...
- From Neon Genesis Evangelion, the truth behind the Evangelion's "armor" is revealed:
Ritsuko: They're binders to suppress Eva's natural power. And now she's shedding them. No one can stop EVA. |
- From Rebuild of Evangelion. Surprising absolutely nobody, Kaworu shows up at the end of an entire movie of Off the Rails Wham Episodes. Then...
- The reveal of the Eva's dark side in Rebuild...
- Going back to the original series, from episode 24, we learn the truth behind the AT Field:
Kaworu: "That's right. That's what you Lilin call it. The sacred domain where none may trespass. The light of the soul. Lilin, you know, don't you? That the AT Field is the wall that everyone has in their heart?" |
- In Mai-Otome, John Smith admits that he can't take on a Materialized Arika, and so calls for help from The Mole.
John Smith: Miss Erstin! |
- To Aru Majutsu no Index Volume 17:
Third Princess Carissa: “Begin the invasion. I now have Curtana Original, the sword that decides the king, within my grasp. This makes me, Carissa, the ruler of the United Kingdom. Anyone that does not want to see the country decay under the rule of the previous pacifist queen, stand up of your own will. To bring about the new United Kingdom, leveling some things will be necessary and some destruction will be necessary.” |
- In the Mai-HiME manga, Nagi is able to throw his foes into disarray long enough to attempt to escape with the following question.
Nagi: This may be odd for me to ask right now, but how did it taste...when you kissed Mai-chan? |
- In the anime, Shiho, with the following line, essentially admits to killing Takumi
Shiho: Don't run away! Lose, just like that toad! |
- From Dragon Ball:
- At the very end of the 22nd Tenkaichi Budokai:
Goku: "He's dead... Krillin's dead!" |
- At the beginning of Dragon Ball Z:
Raditz: "I'm your brother, Kakarot!" |
- From the Frieza Saga:
King Kai: "Knock it off! You're all being foolish! You don't know what you're talking about! Goku has been using the Kaioken attack the entire time!" |
- Frieza has a very nasty surprise up his sleeve:
Frieza: "Never mind half max-power; I'm not even using one third of it." |
- We have several in the Androids Saga, usually from Future Trunks, such as:
Future Trunks: "You've miscalculated. Son Goku is not the only Super Saiyan!" |
- The Cell Games Saga is full of these:
Goku: "I forfeit this match, Cell. You are much stronger than me." |
- When Kid Buu fires a gigantic Death Ball at Earth.
Vegeta: "That attack has enough power to destroy Earth ten times over! There's no way we'll be able to stop it!" |
- Kamikaze Kaitou Jeanne has two of these:
- From episode 34:
Jeanne: It can't be...Chiaki is Sinbad? And you knew I was Jeanne? |
- From episode 41:
Maron: Fin, lend me your powers. Deliver my wish to... |
- From Miyako in chapter 27 of the manga.
Miyako: The fact that you were Jeanne was obvious to me from the very beginning! |
- Magical Project S: "Misao, you're Pixy Misa?"
- Magic Knight Rayearth
Hikaru: "Then tell us why you summoned us to Cephiro?" |
- In One Piece, Kaku gives some very unpleasant news when the Straw Hats ask about the Going Merry.
Kaku: I'm going to give it to you straight. Your ship... can't be fixed! Not even with our skills! |
- Another one from Chapter 550:
Sengoku: The truth is... Portgas D. Ace, your father is Gold Roger! |
- In the Ace Attorney manga, Edgeworth argues that Bobby Wolfe might have burned down the Den of Spiders if he intended to turn himself in or commit suicide, leaving no one to care for his spiders. Phoenix then argues that his friend Thomas Spitzer could have cared for them.
Edgeworth: Well then, why don't we ask him? I would like to call my next witness, Thomas Spitzer. (Cue Oh Crap from Phoenix as Spitzer testifies for the prosecution.) |
- From Episode 7 of Black Rock Shooter, this line hit's like a bombshell.
Strength/The Real Koutari Yuu: Your greeting is rather late, Mato Kuroi. I see my Strength has been relying on you...My name is Yuu Koutari. Strength is down here right now, just as you are. |
- Poor Poor Lips
- After several chapters of funny and heartwarming moments between Nako and Ren, chapter 49 decides to end with this line:
Ren: When this is all settled, I'll be leaving. You've given me one last wonderful memory to take with me. |
- Chapter 56 decides to close Volume 3 with an evil Cliff Hanger:
Ren: What point is there in falling in love, when I'll be marrying a man of my parents' choosing? |
- High School DxD
- The very last line of volume 11.
Kiba: That day, we lost Ise-kun. |
- School Rumble. Harima's Anguished Declaration of Love becomes this when he says it to the wrong girl.
- Mirai Nikki
Akise not being able to speak as his throat has been slit revealing to Yukki via a message on his phone that Yuno is an imposter. |
- I"s got one on the last panel of the 45th chapter.
Takezawa: I like her. |
"That night, Buster Machines #1 and #2 returned, along with their pilots. Welcome back." |
- Bokurano. "The robot takes your life force as payment."
- Pandora Hearts: Retrace 65 is full of them, but this one stands out.
Jack Vessalius: So Glen... why don't you lower that sword... before I kill your cute little servant? |
- This line is the first reveal of the fact that Jack has been lying to everyone the entire manga. It only gets worse from there.