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 Otacon: They're already dead, all twelve of them.

Snake: What? When did it happen?

Otacon: Well...a hundred years ago.

Snake: What the hell?


 Snake: Change sides? I don't recall ever saying I was on yours.


 Ocelot: I will continue my activities as a contact for the new government. Yes, it appears that no one knew that I was ADAM. Of course. I'm always at the CIA's disposal... Mr. Director.

  • For being a relatively minor character, Higashizawa from The World Ends With You gets a big one. "You're dead. Didn't you know?"
    • Joshua's got to have the best, though. "It was me, Neku. I'm Shibuya's Composer." And let's not forget Kitaniji's "Your points have been tallied, and the Player to be reborn decided. Congratulations...Shiki Misaki." and, slightly later on, "This time, you’re playing for...Shiki Misaki.".
    • The Another Day Secret Report, obtained by reading all of the previous ones, and defeating the Bonus Boss. By reading the others, you'd discovered the existence of a Fallen Angel who had aided Minamimoto, and learned that the writer of the Reports was Hanekoma, who is an Angel who is looking to find and stop the Fallen Angel. However, when you read the Another Day report, he says that there's a reason he doesn't want to meet up with the alternate version of himself: "You see, I am the Fallen Angel who taught Minamimoto how to refine Taboo Noise. Minamimoto owes his successful rebirth to the corrections I made to his flawed Taboo refinery sigil. I must hide in Pork City for fear that my alternate self in this world may report me on sight."
  • Bioshock, "Stop, would you kindly? 'Would you kindly'...powerful phrase...Familiar phrase?"
    • Swiftly followed by:

 It's time to end this little masquerade. There ain't no Atlas, kid. Never was. Fella in my line of work takes on a variety of aliases. Hell, once I was even a Chinaman for six months. But, you've been a sport, so I guess I owe you a little honesty. The name's Frank Fontaine.


 Sofia Lamb: ...But there is one detail of your mutual bond she failed to account for. Your body was designed to lapse into a coma when her heart ceases to beat. Eleanor..forgive me.

    • This from the "Minerva's Den" DLC.

  The Thinker: Mainframe reactivated. Confirming user's identity: genetic identity confirmed. Alpha series: Subject Sigma. Former identity: Charles Milton Porter.


 Voice in Akarana Corridor: The Ambassador has launched the ICBMs!

  • Persona 4: "Namatame's the one who put 'em all in!"
    • Perhaps even earlier on when you have to pick Adachi's name from the list.

 Shadow Naoto: But a name doesn’t change the truth, it doesn’t let you cross the barrier between the sexes. How could you become an ideal man, when you were never male to begin with...?

  • F.E.A.R.: Paxton Fettel's words "You and I were born from the same mother."
    • Technically, it's not spoken, but toward the very end of the game, the camera pans down to show the name on the Origin project folder: Alma Wade. That one word changes the context of about 90% of the entire game.
    • After the credits, the very last words in the game. "There is some good news, however. The first prototype was a complete success." Spoken by Genevieve Aristide, the president of Armacham.
  • Mother 3:

  Bronson: ...It's where I found the Drago Fang. It your...It was pierced through your wife's heart...

  • Shin Megami Tensei V: Lahmu acts like he’s a friend to Sahori, but when she hesitates to merge with him after he tells her to accept him in exchange for his vengeance, his true colors start to show.
    • Lahmu: You forfeited any choice in the manner the moment you used my power…
  • Tales of Symphonia: "My daughter? Don't make me laugh. When I came down to play the role of guardian angel, you inferior beings just started calling me her father on your own."
    • "Mithos Yggdrasill, his older sister Martel, and their companions Kratos and Yuan."
    • Mithos: "Wow, that was an amazingly corny speech. Congratulations."
  • Tales of Symphonia Dawn of the New World:

  Richter: (to Emil) This arte, this timing. So are Ratatosk!


 Jade: That's what I would say if I was an emperor, with a country and people to look after. As your friend... I feel compelled to stop you.[...] I'm sorry.

  • Heavy Rain: "Don't forget about me...Scottie."
  • Diablo II: "You haven't failed, old man. You've done exactly as you were meant to do. However, I am not the archangel Tyrael.
  • Diablo III:

 Adria: Dear Leah...Deckard always suspected...your true father...was Diablo himself!


 Diablo: Now, at last, to my true goal, the one that has always eluded me: the utter destruction of the High Heavens!


 "Monsters? They looked like monsters to you?"


  Desther: No, Lady Aribeth, I have the cure.


 Malak: Even the combined power of the Jedi Council couldn't completely destroy your former identity, could it?

  • Jade Empire: "Your abilities have grown immensely. But it also does my heart good to see that you have remembered the basics of what I taught. Even the flaws."
    • Early on in the game, after the attack on Two Rivers by the Lotus Assassins, Sagacious Zu will say "I... I was one" immediately after talking about them (the context varies based on your dialogue choice).
  • Mass Effect: There is a realm of existence so far beyond your own you cannot even imagine it. I am beyond your comprehension. I am Sovereign.
  • Mass Effect 2

  EDI: Only one race is known to have this genetic structure: the Protheans.

    • Later:

  Geth: Shepard-Commander.

    • Proving it's never too late for a curveball:

 EDI: Shepard... If My Calculations Are Correct, the super-structure... is a Reaper.

Shepard: Not just any Reaper. A human Reaper.


  I am the Catalyst.

  • Dragon Age: Origins: "Sound the retreat."
    • Dragon Age II, at the end of the quest "Alone": "You said you never wanted those markings, but that's not true! You wanted them; competed for them!"
    • In Merrill's quest "A New Path", she notices that the Pride Demon who taught her Blood Magic is not present at Pride's End, and suggests that something must have happened to it. Keeper Marethari, now possessed by the demon, arrives and says "I happened."
  • Billy vs. SNAKEMAN: "You can do it, can't you? You can Loop."
    • Also, from before Cerebus Syndrome set in: "The power of a Reaper lies in… their Pants.", followed by "NO PANTS DAY."
  • Fire Emblem 7: "The ice dragon there...The beast slaughtered by your hand...That is Ninian. The girl you loved."
  • Modern Warfare 2:

 Ghost: "Captain Price! The silo doors are opening on the sub! Price! Do you read me? THE SILO DOORS ARE OPEN!"

Price: "Good."

    • Additionally:

 Makarov: "That was no message... *bang* This was the message."


 General Shepherd: "Good. That's one less loose end."


 Makarov: "Yuri, my friend. You never should have come here."


 Eli Vance: "Unforseen consequences...the last time I heard those words was back at Black had just stepped into the test chamber when he whispered them in my ear. You know who I'm talking about...our mutual friend."


 The Lich King: "You have done well, Drakuru."


 "You trained them well, Fordring. You delivered the greatest fighting force this world has ever known...right into my hands — exactly as I intended."


 The dragons' flame sealed my fate. The world of the living can no longer comfort me. Place the crown upon my head, Tirion. Forevermore - I will be the jailor of the damned.

      • Define reappears. He's visible in one of the portals you can go into while fighting Yogg, his voice is heard early in Icecrown Citadel, and his body is chained above the Frozen Throne all throughout your fight with the Lich King. All in all, that one had plenty of foreshadowing.
    • Loken has one final line to add insult to injury after capturing Thorim

 As for your life, mortal. I will be generous. After all... why would I destroy my most useful servant? I waited for you for weeks inside that Hyldnir mine[1].

    • Toward the end of the Creepy Crate quest for Hallow's Eve, on the Alliance side (a similar series of events occurs for the Horde version) you have the option of turning it over to Anson Hastings, or to Hudson Barnes for safekeeping. If you choose Barnes, he will tell you this.

 I know this will seem like betrayal, but Mr. Hastings has made an offer I simply cannot refuse. My apologies, (player).

    • Toward the end of Hour of Twilight, the Twilight Prophet reveals himself.

 Archbishop Benedictus: And now, Shaman, you will give the Dragon Soul to ME.

    • One comes up in Cataclysm's ending

 Alexstraza: But now we must see it... with mortal eyes.

  • Second Sight: "You can't change the past." "This isn't the past."
  • STALKER: "What you need is here. Come to me."
    • Also, in the true ending: "There was a mistake. Your mission was to kill yourself."
    • An earlier one that sets up the revelation from the true ending:
      • Doc:"Strelok, hey come on, man, wake up. That's better. You had me worried there for a second. What the Hell, man, you lose your memory or something?"
  • Castlevania: Chronicles of Sorrow':
    • Soma:"I am... Dracula."
  • Castlevania: Lords of Shadow: EU SUNT DRACUL!
  • Metroid Fusion: "Samus, this is your last mission. Go to the Operations Room and alter the station's orbit path to intercept SR388. Set the self-destruct, return to your ship and escape. Move quickly, and stay alive...Any objections, Lady?"
  • Transformers: War for Cybertron: "OMEGA SUPREME: ONLINE."
  • Umineko no Naku Koro ni: This game will not be granted a happy ending. Consider that the red truth is the Language of Truth.
    • In Alliance of the Golden Witch this is even used with what the character can´t say when Battler tries to say that he is the son of Asumu (his mother) and can't, effectively proving that Asumu ISN'T his mother, causing alot of dropped jaws
  • Final Fantasy IX has two, both from Garland:
    • "Twelve years ago, I lost one of my most prized Genomes. I created him and sent him to Gaia to disrupt the cycle of souls there. You are that Genome."
    • "I constructed the Genomes to be vessels for the souls of Terra when they awaken. But 24 years ago, I gave life to a Genome that was very much like you. His will was too strong to make him into a proper vessel, and I even considered discarding him. But then I thought that I should put his strength to use. I sent that Genome as my servant, to disrupt the cycle of souls on Gaia. The one I sent to Gaia might also be called your brother...and his name is Kuja."
  • Final Fantasy XIII: L'cie? Me? Ha ha ha ha...oh, child, perish the thought. I am MORE THAN THAT! I am fal'Cie. My name is Barthandelus. Voice of the Sanctum, and Lord-Sovereign of the Cocoon fal'Cie. Your kind feared the darkness, so we gave you light. You begged us for the Purge, and did it not come to pass? Now you spurn our counsel? You must learn your place!
    • Earlier we get two in one: "I'm from Gran Pulse. The world below you all hate so much. My partner and I had turned to crystal there and gone to sleep. The reason Cocoon's in such an uproar is the same reason you're here now. Vanille and I woke up."
  • Kingdom Hearts:

  Larxene: Since you entered this castle, you keep forgetting and remembering, because Namine has been tampering with your memories.


 Tron: My master is the creator of this system. Ansem the Wise.

Axel: Way to fall right into their trap.


  Xion: Tell me, Roxas...who do you see? If you see a new face, a boy's face, that means that I'm almost ready. This puppet will have to play her part. Roxas...this is him. It's Sora.


 Varin Omega: I am Colonel! Colonel Beck!

Argilla: No way! We . . . died?!


  Dusknoir: This is goodbye... or is it?

    • Also,

  Grovyle: Celebi, you remember...The last time...when I traveled back in time to prevent the planet's paralysis, I wasn't alone.

      • Also, this line heard at the end of the game:

 Darkrai: "You're late! I have been waiting!"

The Hero: "Why did you want us to come here?"

Darkrai: "I just wanted to have a talk with you."

Hero: "Talk with you? I don't even know you!"

Darkrai: "So you don't know me right? Well, I know you."

Hero: "Why do you know all about me? What did you do?"

Darkrai: "When you and Grovyle are both traveling to here together, there appears to be a little accident. This accident actually separated you from Grovyle and consequently turned you into a Pokémon. Remember the accident?"

Hero: "Why do you remember the accident? Who caused it?"

Darkrai: "Yes, I remember the accident. That accident was caused"

  • Pokémon Black and White has one about halfway through the game, with the wham furthered by how it's implied to be casually delivered:

 N: "First, I must tell you... I am the king of Team Plasma."


  Edgeworth: "Maybe it was I who killed my father!"

    • From the fifth case, Rise From The Ashes. An in universe example as it caused such an uproar that the trial had to be suspended for a day.

  Lana: Drastic crimes require drastic measures... That's just the way it is. We did what we had to... in order for him to get the verdict he deserved. Even if it involved "forging" evidence.

    • From Justice for All:

  "How do you do, Mr. Lawyer? I'm Matt Engarde."

    • From Trials & Tribulations:

 Sister Bikini: I see. So I've been wrong all this time. Mystic Morgan had three daughters, not two.

Phoenix: Whaaa!? Th-Three?

Sister Bikini: Yes. Iris, her twin sister and Mystic Pearl.

    • From Ace Attorney Investigations, we have a wham laugh, when Shih-Nah laughs in the exact same highly-distinctive manner as Calisto Yew, sparking instant recognition from Edgeworth and Kay.
      • A bit later:
    • From Investigations 2:

 Mikagami: The defendant... Bansai Ichiyanagi! I accuse you!


 Hudson: "Reznov's been dead for five years, he died in the escape from Vorkuta!"

    • And later...

 Mason: "You tried to make me kill my president!"

Dragovich: Tried?

      • There's also the third one from "Rebirth":

 Hudson: "Viktor Reznov did not kill Friederich Steiner. Hudson saw what happened."


 Altaïr: Speak sense, Templar, or not at all!

Robert: Nine men he sent you to kill, yes...the nine who guarded the treasure’s secret?

Altaïr: What of it?

Robert: It wasn't nine who found the treasure, Assassin. Not nine, but ten.

Altaïr: A tenth? None may live who carry the secret. Give me his name.

Robert: Oh, but you know him well...and I doubt very much you'd take his willingly as you’ve taken mine.

Altaïr: Who?

Robert: It is your master: Al Mualim.


 Minerva: (to Ezio) The rest is up to you...Desmond.


 The Animus: Compiling subsystems. Infrastructure. Tendons. Heart. Voice.

Desmond: ...Subject 16?

Subject 16: Yes...Subject 17.

Desmond: You're dead...I saw your blood!


 Tutorial: Use the gun to shoot Abbas.


 Sephiroth(Actually Jenova): "...because you are a puppet."


 The Marker: Thank you, Isaac. Now...time to die.


 Admiral Harkov: "Enough of this charade; Gamma 1 is the Emperor's stool pigeon! Gamma 2 and 3 destroy Gamma 1 now!"

Admiral Zaarin's forces are attacking Imperial Star Destroy Garrett! The treachery is worse than we imagined; the Emperor is in danger."


 Arcturus Mengsk:"Belay that order. We're moving out."

The Overmind: "Arise, my daughter. Arise...Kerrigan."

Tassadar: "I come to tell you of this creature's... courage."


 Rozalin: Wait! I really can't tell you!!

Etna: Sure you can. You just don't want to.

Rozalin: ...No, you don't understand. The reason I cannot tell you is...I-I don't know where my father is! I have never even met him before!!


  Ishi: ""


 Cave Johnson: Caroline, are the compensation vouchers ready?

Caroline and G La DOS: Yes sir, Mr Johnson.

G La DOS: "Why did I just- Who is that? What the hell is going on- (Shorts out)

    • Not to mention:

 G La DOS: You know, being Caroline taught me a valuable lesson. I *thought* you were my greatest enemy, when all along you were my best friend. The surge of emotion that shot through me when I saved your life taught me an even more valuable lesson - where Caroline lives in my brain.

Announcer: Caroline deleted.

    • The Perpetual Testing Initiative we have one given after the "Computer!Cave" "arc" that completely turns the notion of "Cave Prime" on its head:

 Cave Prime: Whoa! Chariots chariots. For some reason, some of the audio was bleeding through in this universe. Don't know if you were catching the subtext there, but that computer Cave is crazy. So: Greg was right. As of now, we are cancelling the genetic lifeform disk operating system initiative.

    • From Portal, notable is that this was not in the original game and was patched in as part of an Alternate Reality Game addon more than two years after release.

  Robot: Thank you for assuming the party escort submission position!


  Kachi: Long ago, I wasn't called Kachi. I was known as...Achi.

  • Fate Stay Night has several. Due to the nature of the narration, some hit the reader more than the characters, and vice-versa.

  Archer: Trace, On.


 Cole: What do you want me to tell Moya?

John: Who's Moya?

    • Later, there's another one:

 Cole: Yet the thing that drove him forward...Kessler's sole link to the past, was a picture from his wedding day...

when he married Trish, with Zeke as his best man...

      • Actually, before that was Kessler's last words; "Trish, I love you. Forgive me."
  • Sly 2:

  Jean Bison: I ain't like you boy, I ain't stew-pid. When y'all were unconscious me and my boys paid a visit to your hideout and found all them Clockwerk Parts. Lucky thing, too; Arpeggio was willing to plunk down a King's ransom for the whole lot. I even threw in the Talons.


  Cortana: You don't know what this thing does, do you? Halo doesn't kill flood, it kills their food.


 343 Guilty Spark: Why, The Ark, of course.

Arbiter: And where, Oracle, is that?

    • Before that:

 Arbiter: When the Prophets learn of this, they'll take your head!

Tarturus: When they learn? Fool, they ordered me to do it.

  • In Dissidia Duodecim Final Fantasy, you unlock the Confession of The Creator scenario (Scenario 000) after completing Treachery of the Gods (Scenario 012) and Light to All (Scenario 013). Those latter two are numbered after the "cycle" of war in which it takes place. As per the story of the original game, the heroes break the cycle and go home after the 13th cycle. In Confessions of the Creator, which doesn't seem to take place anywhere in the ordinary story, the Mured Moogle (Cid of the Lufaine) tells you his story as you make your final approach to Chaos. In it, he casually mentions that in the 13th cycle, everyone on Cosmos's side, including the goddess herself, died and were purified. You may write this off as perhaps a misnumbering. Maybe there was a 0th cycle or something. And then he talks about an 18th cycle.
  • Final Fantasy IV looks like it sets one up when Cecil and company travel to the moon and meet FuSoYa, when he reveals that his brother, KluYa, was Cecil's father. But that's just to set up the real Wham Line - Golbez: "My father? His name was...KluYa".
  • Nine Hours, Nine Persons, Nine Doors: Unfortunately, you're wrong. Actually, I'm Santa. This was in one of the previews, no less, but it does not mean what you may think it means.
    • From the Safe Ending: "No. You misunderstand. You haven't lost. I... have lost."
    • "The answer to that is easy. He knew because I knew." And the line itself is only part of the wham - it's said by the narration.
  • 999's sequel, Virtue's Last Reward, has some as well: for example, Quark casually drops this bombshell in Tenmyouji's route. As a bonus, it's not a wham unless you've played certain other routes or the first game... but if you have, it makes things about ten times more complicated.

 Quark: (referring to a photo of young Akane from 999): "Oh, she was the old man's 'first love'."

  • The ending of Mega Man X 3: "Dr. Light's plan for him will finally be revealed. Unknown to X, his destiny has already been decided. To save mankind, he must destroy Zero."
  • In the endgame of Final Fantasy I, the Warriors of Light journey to the world of 2000 years in the past, to confront the demon Chaos. They descend deep into the then-pristine Chaos Shrine...and encounter a disturbingly familiar face:

 Garland: Do you remember me? I was once known as a knight of Cornelia.

    • Origins gives us several throughout the game:

 Pieda: How about Malpercio?

Milly: No, Father! This isn't what you promised!

Verus: Hee heh hah hah hah! Sagi, you've betrayed my hopes time and again, but I'm happy to say you've finally come through for me.


 Tidus: "If guardians do their job well, summoners will be safe!" (Silence) "Right?" "RIGHT?"

Rikku: "Yunie will die, you know? ...You know, don't you?!"

Rikku: (Moments after the previous line) "The pilgrimages have to stop!"


  Computer: "Warning: There is a space-time anomaly forming. Two objects have emerged. Ship identification code cannot be processed for the large craft. The other is Vic Viper T-301."

  • Touhou 10.5: Scarlet Weather Rhapsody:

 Tenshi: What are you talking about? I'm saying I was bored out of my mind! So I came down to the surface and watched you playing with all kinds of different youkai.

Reimu: I wouldn't exactly call it playing, though.

Tenshi: Seeing that made me think, "I want to play disaster resolution too." So I caused one. A disaster, I mean.

  • Etrian Odyssey. All this time you thought you were in a medieval world of sorts. Then comes the fifth Stratum, named Lost Shinjuku. And yes, it's referring to Shinjuku, Japan.
  • ‘’Shin Megami Tensei V’’: While these are also Lahmu’s last words (which is Lahmu lamenting that the Nahobino would plausibly recreate the world instead of him), these words also more or less confirm that Lahmu does not truly care about anyone but himself. That includes Sahori, the girl who he supposedly loved and merged with.
Nooo…it was me…I was the one…who would recreate the world.
—Lahmu’s final words
  • In The Reconstruction, everything looks like it'll be fine and the world will be saved, but this banks on the fact that the third Watcher hasn't messed anything up. But that's okay, you're still on schedule and know where he is...or do you?

 "Third Watcher? You mean Donz? I thought he went down with you guys, Ma!"


 "The truth is, you are dead, Lucas."

  • Battlefield 3 "Solomon's one of ours."
  • Star Fox 64: "Don't ever give up, my son."
  • Do Don Pachi: Complete the game normally, and the Commander commends your efforts and tells you it's time to take a well-deserved rest. Fulfill the conditions for the 2nd loop, however, and...

 "That was a good fight. You should be commended...Psych! You're dead meat!! Enemies you've been fighting against, supposedly 'Mechanized Aliens', were actually. our (sic) guys, the missing battlefleet you learned about in the academy. You were killing our guys without knowing it! But I planned that all along! And your death...would be a nice finishing touch to my whole scheme. My special forces are the best of the best and they will be welcoming you with fierce fier (sic) power. See You in Hell!"

    • In DoDonPachi DaiFukkatsu, Colonel Longhena has two versions of the "welcome to 2nd loop" speech, depending on which version of the 2nd loop you unlock. Either way, he declares his intent to "build a new order"...
  • Prototype:

 Alex: Who are you? Who sent you?

Cross: You should pick your friends more carefully, Mercer.

    • Later on:

 Alex: I'm not human. The freed me. It killed me. I'm not human. *uneasy chuckle* Alex is just the role I play. Part of me was relieved...and part of me died. Just another disguise, right? So real...even I believe it.

    • And also from Director McMullen

 "Alex Mercer died. He died threatening to release the most deadly virus in history on the people of New York."


 Wesker: I would expect you to be happier to see us.

Chris: Us?

Wesker: So slow to catch on.


 "I want to go home! I want to go back to my house by the hill! I want to see my mother!" The girl was shouting now, her face wet with tears. "But I know she's not there! I knew all along that she wasn't out there in the sky! Because...because..."

"She's sleeping under the tree on the hill!"


 Your wife's attorney has pictures of you and the German.


 "At least someone in your chickenshit organization knows how to do business, isn't that right, Lance?"


 "Niko Bellic? A gift from Dimitri Rascalov."


  "There's something wrong with the TV!"

    • Space Channel 5 Part 2

  Shinji Matou: "I'm only eight years old!"

  • Silent Hill: Shattered Memories has three of those:
    • First: "I know you're not Harry Mason!"
    • Second: "But Harry Mason was killed in a car crash 18 years ago!"
    • Third: "The term is 'complicated grief'. But it's simple, isn't it?"
  • The Darkness has one from the titular entity itself:

 Learn that you are my puppet. Now watch this!

    • If the sequel has one, it's in the end.

 I love you, Jackie Estacado. No matter what happens, I always will. I'm so sorry.


 Isabela: You... You must have gotten yourself infected somehow.


  Terry Higgins: "You did good, boy scout."

  • Katawa Shoujo has a few, often accompanied by the music stopping.
    • In Emi's route

 Hisao's Narration: "Emi's there, yes. But she's in a wheelchair"

    • Hisao finds a bottle in the shed, and the label tells him why Emi brought him there.

 "Personal lubricant- lemon flavored."

    • In Lilly's route.

 Akira: When our folks told me that when we were at their place, though, they also gave Lilly a summons to rejoin them in Inverness.

    • In Shizune's route
    • Later in Shizune's route

 Misha: "I know you like her, Hicchan. I mean that I like Shicchan in the same way. I want her to be my girlfriend."


  Hades: "Now wait just a second."

    • Then in Chapter 18:

 Pit: (to Magnus) It feels like just yesterday we were fighting together.

Magnus: Yesterday? Try three years, buddy!


 Mal'Ganis: You hear the voice of the Dark Lord. He whispers to you through the blade you wield. What does he say, young human? What dose the Dark Lord of the Dead tell you now?

Arthas: He tells me that the time for my vengeance has come.


 "There is no universal vaccine."

"How long has Rhoemer been working for you, Markinson?"


 McNeal: Where's the spaceship? The one that Kane stole?

Vega: He didn't steal it. He built it.

    • Tiberium Wars

 "The destruction of the Philadelphia was no accident."

"We just got word. JPL Deep Space Net is picking up 6 unidentified objects heading towards Earth..."

"This being already exists in the datacore. Genetic derivations unknown."


 Tatsumaru: Who is Tatsumaru? I am Seiryu the Blue Dragon, one of the Four Lords of the Burning Dawn!


 "Victoria, are you ready to give Mr. Garrett his compensation?"

  • Legacy of Kain
    • Blood Omen: He is the last! [Moebius points at Kain and swords are drawn.] Destroy him!
    • Soul Reaver: The blade is vanquished. So it unfolds...and we are a step closer to our destinies.
    • Soul Reaver 2: My god...the Hylden...we walked right into their trap. Raziel! Janos must stay dead!
    • Defiance: The Soul Reaver, pure of all corruption... this is what it is for. This is what I am for. The two become one... both Soul Reavers... together... and the Scion of Balance is healed... And I am not your enemy... not your destroyer... I am, as before, your right hand... your sword.
  • Nie R

 Emil: "So then humans...I mean, the true humans...they're extinct?"

Weiss: "No. They still live on. You know them as Shades."

  • Ghost Trick: At the end of Chapter 14, after a number of revelations, Sissel sums up the result of it all:

  Sissel: Who. Am. I? I'm even further from the truth than when I started.


  1. He is referring to the questgiver that set you on the entire chain in the first place, thereby leading you to bring Thorim to him
  2. Only applies if you've played the first Sin and Punishment